Kauai Couple Simplify Bringing Passover into Your Lives

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With Passover just weeks away modern Jewish families that shy away from participating in the annual Passover Seder due to its typical two-to-three hour ceremony will cheer Cass and Nellie Foster’s “Sixty-Minute Seder: Preserving the Essence of the Passover Haggadah™.”

“Cass and Nellie Foster have done an amazing job of sifting the essence of the Passover ritual… Each section is explained clearly, with the appropriate blessings in Hebrew and transliteration. The outstanding glossary of terms make it possible for a newcomer to understand the background of the symbols and rituals without adding long readings to the text…explained in a manner accessible to Jews and non-Jews alike… Best of all, Nellie’s family recipes make it possible for anyone to create a Splendid Seder Meal.” -Rabbi Judith HaLevy, Malibu Jewish Center and Synagogue.

“With more than 3,500 Haggadahs in print and no two having the same content, revisiting the Haggadah is not unheard of,” says Linda F. Radke, president of Five Star Publications, Inc., the parent company of Six Points Press, which published the Foster’s book. Though pared down to only one hour, this Haggadah still has it all, from planning to preparation to the actual presentation of the Seder.

“We are not supposed to be mere listeners or observers while sitting around the table. We are invited to be participants in a drama… We are indebted to Cass and Nellie Foster for taking the bold step of creating a revolutionary Haggadah…that will stimulate discussion, inspire interest and educate Jews with a range of backgrounds will find the Sixty-Minute Seder a perfect script for the Pesach drama.”  Rabbi Jerome M. Epstein, CEO/Executive Vice President Emeritus and Chief Israel Affairs Officer, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.

For more information please visit their website at www.SixtyMinuteSeder.com. Their Haggadah is also available at Amazon.com.

