Kauai Mayor, Administrator, Stopped Investigation Into Illegal Grading at Ka Loko-Excerpt from the January 9, 2007 Report of the Independent Civil Investigation

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”’Editor’s note: This is a portion of the Report of the Independent Civil Investigation issued by the state’s independent investigator Robert Godbey on January 9, 2007 to the Hawaii State Legislature. For the full report, log onto https://www.kalokodam.com”’

On November 7, 1997, apparently in response to an anonymous complaint, the
County of Kauai Department of Public Works performed an investigation that
documented the grading of the hilltop adjacent to Ka Loko Reservoir and presence of
heavy equipment there.

A further citizen’s complaint was received on November 16.
On November 18, 1997, the Department of Public Works for the County of Kauai sent a
Notice of Grading Violation regarding Ka Loko Reservoir, by a certified letter to Mr.
Pflueger, stating that they had

