Keehi Small Boat Harbor Set for Another $2.5 Million in Improvements

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HONOLULU – The Department of Land and Natural Resources last week dedicated a completed new dock and broke ground for two new projects at Ke‘ehi Small Boat Harbor.  The new dock dedicated today replaced the old Pier 100.  The groundbreaking kicked off the installation of two new docks to replace Piers 600, 900 and 1000.

Today’s dedication, combined with the ongoing replacement of Piers 600, 900 and 1000, which is scheduled for completion in 2011, will bring 96 slips back into service for Hawai‘i’s boating community.  Another 32 slips at the harbor’s Pier 300 are presently in the design phase.

Installation of these new structures is the latest phase of an ongoing renaissance for the harbor and a multi-year effort by the Lingle-Aiona Administration to upgrade small boat harbor facilities statewide.

“The investment in the Ke‘ehi Small Boat Harbor highlights the commitment my Administration has made to upgrade and modernize our aging infrastructure statewide,” said Governor Linda Lingle.  “The improvements to this small boat harbor facility and many others around the state will help ensure our residents and visitors can enjoy safe and easy access to the ocean.”

Over $4.1 million has been spent to make much needed improvements at Ke‘ehi Small Boat Harbor and an additional $2.5 million will be spent on the new Piers 600 and 900.

In the design for this project, Pier 900 will be installed in the footprint of the existing Pier 900 and 1000 and will be able to accommodate larger vessels up to 55 feet in length.

“A few years ago we stood at a crossroads, lacking funding to repair docks at Ke‘ehi and Ala Wai Small Boat Harbors that were falling into the harbor waters,” said DLNR Director Laura H. Thielen.  “We committed to rebuilding the Ke‘ehi Small Boat Harbor and here we stand today witnessing its rebirth.”

“Although we have made great progress on replacing docks at Ala Wai, Hale‘iwa, Wai‘anae and now, dedicating this new pier at Ke‘ehi, there is still a great deal of work to be done,” added Thielen.

“DLNR plans to push on and implement as many components of our Recreational Renaissance as possible.  The investment we make today in our harbors, parks and trails will reap benefits for future generations,” concluded Thielen.

Construction Details

New Pier 100
Work began in April 2009 to demolish the existing wooden piers and concrete pile foundations, and install new engineered aluminum framed dock system to replace the existing wooden fixed dock, which had been in service since 1962.

Modular sections of the dock were fabricated by Bluewater Marine in Waialua, O‘ahu and delivered to the Ke‘ehi Small Boat Harbor then assembled to form the main and finger piers.

The new dock system is constructed of corrosion-resistant, 6000 series aluminum frames that sit on new concrete pile caps and pile foundations.  The aluminum frame is topped with fiber-reinforced plastic grating.

The ADA-compliant dock system consists of a 6-foot wide main pier with 28 to 40 foot long finger piers on both sides of the main pier.

Installation of the docks by American Marine Corporation began in December 2009 and was completed early this month.  Finger piers were installed on both sides of the main piers to provide safe access to the boats moored at these docks.

Amenities of the new dock structures include dock boxes, modular power pedestals (electrical), potable water, fire protection, and optional cable and telephone service.

The project cost for the Pier 100 replacement is $2,520,079.

New Piers 600 and 900
The project consists of the demolition of the existing deteriorated concrete pile foundations and wood framing and construction of two new engineered aluminum framed floating dock systems.  The existing docks at Piers 600, 900 and 1000 were/are badly deteriorated and most of the slips have been taken out of service.

The Pier 600 wood framing was removed by DOBOR Maintenance in 2000, and the concrete piles were removed by American Marine Corporation in May 2009.  Piers 900 and 1000, which do not have finger piers will be demolished and replaced by the new Pier 900.

The new floating dock systems will be constructed out of 6000 series marine grade aluminum frames and topped with plastic composite decking.  The dock system will be anchored with an elastic mooring system with concrete blocks or helical anchors.

The dock system includes an 8 to 12-foot wide main pier with finger piers on both sides of the main pier.  The finger piers will be 30 feet long (Pier 600) and 50 feet long (Pier 900), and will comply with ADA accessibility criteria.

The new dock materials will provide durability and low maintenance as well as strength to withstand the harsh marine environment.  When completed, the new Pier 600 and 900 will provide 44 and 32 new slips, respectively.

The project was designed by Sato and Associates, Inc and will be constructed by American Marine Corporation.  The project cost for the replacement of Piers 600 and 900 is $2.8 million.

Submitted by Laura Stevens, the DLNR Education and Outreach Coordinator

