KGMB, KHNL & KFVE Push for Dish Network Agreement

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At KGMB, KHNL and KFVE, we are committed to serving the community of Hawaii with the very best local news and weather, great CBS, NBC and My Network programming and local community services. We also serve the local business community, providing a critical advertising platform for reaching their customers.

As you know, in order to be brought into the homes of our viewers, we need to reach agreements with the cable and satellite companies that serve our market. We are proud of the fact that we have agreements in place with every distributor in our area. Unfortunately we have been unable to reach an agreement with Dish Network.

For several months, KGMB, KHNL and KFVE have been working with Dish Network to resolve this issue, so that Dish Network may continue to lawfully provide our signal to their viewers. To date, we have been unable to reach an agreement with Dish Network.  As a result of not having an agreement in place with Dish Network, KGMB, KHNL and KFVE may not be available to its customers after July 31, 2013.

We understand this is frustrating for Dish Network customers and we share their frustration. We are committed to doing everything we can to resolve this issue with Dish Network.

In the meantime, we are undertaking an effort to inform customers of the situation using our website, PSAs on radio and in the local papers, as well as social media to make sure viewers know they have choices. KGMB, KHNL and KFVE are available on all the other TV providers in our area and we’re always available for free over the air. We will keep viewers updated as this situation evolves and thank them for their support.

Submitted by Raycom Media Inc.




    • Let me get this right: You send the signal over the air for FREE! Yet you want to rip off a main provider for the
      Neighbor Islands. We DEPEND on your news and have no other viable way to get your signals. Oceanic DOES NOT serve every area and not every area can get your signal! This is YOUR fault, period. Get off Oahu and see what the real Hawai'i has to deal with. Au'we!

  1. Channels 5, 9 & 13 are free over the air except on Kauai & some other out of the way areas of Hawaii. Despite being free over the air they charge cable & satellite companies for giving these TV stations more profit. Now the stations want to increase their greed and increase their charge. Cable & satellite companies will have to pass these increased costs on to you & me or eventually go out of business. It seems to me that there should be NO extra charge since there is no cost to the TV stations to gave their signal distribution beyond their coverage area and therefore higher ad rates. Cable & satellite are providing free distribution & the TV stations are holding them up for the sake of simple greed & we are all paying for it through increased rates.

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