21st Century World of Work

Mid-Career Workshop

21st Century Proposition
by Carleen MacKay :: Rob Kinslow ::  Fabian Lewis

For (almost) all experienced 20th century job seekers, work was thought of as a job with one or two companies in a working lifetime. Most never envisaged the challenges they are encountering in the 21st century.

Many have debt. Or, medical constraints. Few have the savings to take them through the many years that remain in their ever longer lifetimes. Countless mid-career workers believe that just one more job, much like the one they recently left, is all they need to secure their futures. Many “workers” are under-employed, looking for the job they used to have, or not working nearly to their full potentials.termination-110302_1920

FLASH! Those “jobs” may no longer exist or they may have been completely re-framed so that they no longer exist for many folks.

However, key pieces of the job they once held are likely to be important to employers and/or clients, esp. as organizations struggle to do more with less in order to remain competitive in an out-sourced global labor market.

The Wingmen proposition is that the previously slow march to the future, has now become a race to use new workforce strategies, for it is strategic adaptation and new options – not yesterdays tactics and jobs – that are the new normal.

20th century: Thinking of work as your next job,
21st century: Think of work as your contribution to organizations or clients across all sectors of the economy.
Think of new-ways-to-work as your means to achieving your life goals.

Want to learn a some ways to leverage your past experience while reaching for viable near-term income from work that matters?BarterExchangeTrade

Think about Bartering. People who trade talent for footholds in new organizations are usually the first in line for paid opportunities.

Consider Freelancing. Independent professionals who market and deliver their own uniquely needed services are highly sought after. This category includes virtual workers and subject-matter experts whose market-driven expertise is indisputable. Does fear stop you from Freelancing? Then, consider aligning with one of the many firms that specialize in marketing your talent.

When groups of experts, from multiple sources, link their many talents, they optimize productivity and offer cost advantages to organizations. This is called Crowd-sourcing.

0624.sdt-crowdsourcingSome folks create a Portfolio of their work in order to develop, and then to ensure, a balanced flow of income from multiple sources.

There are other ways of working that we will share in our workshop. Join us and listen to the real-life stories of others who have made the leap from the 20th century to the 21st. Look for the launch of the stories section on our website, Workforce Wingmen

We will help you leverage YOUR talents by identifying and then creating the next steps in your working life!

“…years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Mark Twain.

 Look us up on LinkedIn:  Carleen MacKay :: Rob Kinslow ::  Fabian Lewis

