Last Joint Appearances Between US Senate Candidates Scheduled for This Week

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Ed Case

BY CONGRESSMAN ED CASE, D-HAWAII, 2002-2007– For months now we’ve asked you to just think about it. Think about your choice between my opponent and me in the upcoming August 11th United States Senate primary.

We’ve asked you to look past rumors, mainland money, slick ads, and other folks telling you how to vote. We’ve asked you to compare the candidates – our records, beliefs, and agendas – and make your own decision of who you believe can get the job done over the next generation as our next United States Senator.

This week you’ll have your last opportunity to size us up side-by-side in the three joint appearances listed below. Because my opponent has refused all other debates including four primetime statewide debates on our main television stations, Thursday is the last time you can see us together until the August 11th Primary election.

Please take the opportunity to attend or tune in to any or all of these joint appearances. And please… just think about it.

Warm aloha,
Strong Effective Leadership

June 12 – 14 Schedule of Joint Appearances

AARP HI Case vs. Hirono debate and 50+ Issue Forum
Tuesday, June 12
10:30 – 11:30am
Maui Beach Hotel – Elleair Room
170 Kaahumanu Avenue
Kahului, HI 96732

Register online to attend at

Hawaii Public Radio debate
Wednesday, June 13
7:00 – 8:00pm
Hawaii Public Radio studio
738 Kaheka Street
Honolulu Hi, 96814

Live on the radio on HPR-1 (KHPR 88.1, KKUA 90.7 and KANO 91.1) and streaming live online

Insights on PBS Hawaii
Thursday, June 14
8:00 – 9:00pm
PBS Hawaii studio
2350 Dole Street
Honolulu, HI 96822

Live broadcast on television on PBS Hawaii, Channels 10 and 11. Rebroadcast at 1pm on Saturday, June 16.




  1. What’s to think about? Lazy Mazie is so scared of her own shadow (i.e., lack of substance) that she refuses to talk in public. The only thing we know about her is how hard her mother worked … whoops! Forgot! Only Lazy can talk about her mother!! So, not knowing anything about Lazy Mazie, I must vote for ABLM! (Anybody But Lazy Mazie!)

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