Legislative Hearing Notices – Jan. 22, 2003

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The following hearing notices, which are subject to change, were sorted and taken from the Hawaii State Capitol Web site. Please check that site for updates and/or changes to the schedule at https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/site1/docs/hearing/hearing2.asp?press1=docs&button1=current Go there and click on the Hearing Date to view the Hearing Notice. Hearings notices for both House and Senate measures in all committees: Hearing ‘Date Time Bill Number Measure Title Committee’ 1/22/03 1:30 PM None Informational Briefing FIN 1/22/03 1:30 PM None Informational Briefing Summary FIN 1/22/03 1:30 PM None Informational Briefing Summary WAM 1/22/03 1:30 PM None Informational Briefing WAM/TMG 1/22/03 3:30 PM None Informational Briefing FIN 1/23/03 8:30 AM None Informational Briefing WAM 1/23/03 8:30 AM None Informational Briefing Summary WAM 1/23/03 9:00 AM None Informational Briefing AGR 1/23/03 9:00 AM None Informational Briefing JHW PSM 1/23/03 1:00 PM None Informational Briefing FIN 1/23/03 1:00 PM None Informational Briefing Summary FIN 1/23/03 1:15 PM None Informational Briefing TSM 1/23/03 2:00 PM None Informational Briefing JHW 1/23/03 2:00 PM None Informational Briefing JUD 1/23/03 4:00 PM None Informational Briefing ECD/SAT 1/24/03 8:30 AM None Informational Briefing HLT 1/24/03 8:30 AM None Informational Briefing WAM 1/24/03 8:30 AM None Informational Briefing WAM 1/24/03 8:30 AM None Informational Briefing Summary WAM 1/24/03 10:30 AM None Informational Briefing WLH 1/24/03 1:00 PM HB14 RELATING TO TELEPHONE SOLICITATIONS. CPC 1/24/03 1:00 PM HB17 RELATING TO PAGER AND CELLULAR PHONE SPAM. CPC 1/24/03 1:00 PM HB22 RELATING TO CONSUMER CREDIT REPORTING. CPC 1/24/03 1:00 PM HB43 RELATING TO INSURANCE FRAUD. CPC 1/24/03 1:00 PM HB75 RELATING TO CONDOMINIUMS. CPC 1/24/03 1:00 PM HB93 RELATING TO THE CONTINUING EDUCATION OF DESIGN PROFESSIONALS. CPC 1/24/03 1:00 PM HB96 RELATING TO PUBLIC UTILITIES. CPC 1/24/03 1:00 PM HB139 RELATING TO THE MOTOR VEHICLE RENTAL INDUSTRY. CPC 1/24/03 1:00 PM HB140 RELATING TO THE MOTOR VEHICLE RENTAL INDUSTRY. CPC 1/24/03 1:00 PM None Informational Briefing FIN 1/24/03 1:00 PM None Informational Briefing FIN 1/24/03 1:00 PM None Informational Briefing FIN 1/24/03 1:00 PM None Informational Briefing Summary FIN 1/27/03 8:30 AM None Informational Briefing Summary WAM 1/27/03 8:30 AM None Informational Briefing WAM/EDU 1/27/03 1:00 PM None Informational Briefing FIN 1/27/03 1:00 PM None Informational Briefing Summary FIN 1/28/03 8:30 AM None Informational Briefing WAM 1/28/03 8:30 AM None Informational Briefing Summary WAM 1/28/03 1:00 PM None Informational Briefing FIN 1/28/03 1:00 PM None Informational Briefing Summary FIN 1/28/03 1:15 PM None Informational Briefing TSM 1/29/03 8:30 AM None Informational Briefing WAM 1/29/03 8:30 AM None Informational Briefing Summary WAM 1/30/03 8:30 AM None Informational Briefing WAM 1/30/03 8:30 AM None Informational Briefing WAM 1/30/03 8:30 AM None Informational Briefing Summary WAM 2/21/03 1:00 PM None Informational Briefing TMG

