VERGE: The GreenBiz conference

Where Technology Meets Sustainability

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Screen Shot 2016-06-21 at 6.54.02 PMJoin the leaders, thinkers and doers using technology and innovation to accelerate a more equitable economy. Today, the summer solstice, was the first day of the VERGE conference in Honolulu. It is being held at the Hilton Hawaiian hotel.

Rates are quite expensive however, if you’re seeking green biz meaning or employment, as I am, you’ll want to register for the streaming event online. You can view the conference speakers and attend virtually all program events. You will also get access to the presentations and videos from the conference post event.

What is Green business? Visit for more information.

Screen Shot 2016-06-21 at 9.44.26 PM “Simply put,” explains Rob Kinslow, “Green business, is business with social AND ecological purpose.”

Should you be interested in any of these topics, the speakers, or themes, likely you would be interested in Green business.

Whether it’s Guru Lunches, Birds of a Feather networking events, vh16vendiagramnologoAccelerate pitch fest, or cutting-edge workshops, if you are interested in the nexus of energy, technology, policy, models, and infrastructure, you’ll want to register for VERGE right now!

Thanks to the sponsors, esp. the Hawaii State Energy Office. In my experience, the following people work to make our lives more renew-ably powered: Luis Salaveria, Mark Glick, Elizabeth (Udui) Raman and Howard Wiig

The conference continues through 22 and 23rd of June. For more information check the program here and register for the live feed here. For any problems registering contact

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