Makakilo-Kapolei-Honokai Hale Neighborhood Board Opposes Rail Project

PUSHING AHEAD: Construction on Oahu's 20 mile rail route started in the vacant fields in West Oahu but will cross into Oahu's most populated areas in Honolulu
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Honolulu rail construction in Kapolei

On Wednesday, October 23rd, the Makakilo-Kapolei – Honokai Hale Neighborhood board passed the following resolution by a vote 6 to 2 in favor of OPPOSING the Honolulu Rail project:

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WHEREAS, this community board is concerned that the current route for Rail will not properly service Makakilo, Kapolei, the Ewa Plain and
Leeward Coast residents, and

WHEREAS, this community board has significant concerns regarding the financial aspects of Rail and the lack of accountability to the
public, and

WHEREAS, this community board is concerned about any diversion of funds from TheBus, a system known nationally as a success,
into a system to support Rail, and

WHEREAS, this community board is concerned about the cost and noise level of a steel wheel on steel rail system and the fact that less
costly and quieter options were not considered, and that schools, businesses and homes located along the Rail route will be “negatively”
impacted by the level of noise, and

WHEREAS, this community board is extremely concerned about the traffic conditions during the construction phase and after completion
of the Rail project, and that not enough is being done to pro-actively mitigate traffic conditions, and that some of the board requests for
additional pro-active measures appear to be ignored, and

WHEREAS, this community board is concerned that with all the new development projects along the Rail route, a freeway Level Of Service
(LOS) D or better cannot be attained during rush hour and that not enough is being done to pro-actively mitigate the current or anticipated
additional traffic flow, and

WHEREAS, this community board believes the Rail system was sold to “voters” as a “traffic solution,” when it now appears to be primarily
a “land development tool,” and that expert, census, and government survey data clearly show that the Rail ridership will not be at the level
that the city anticipates, resulting in the system being heavily subsidized, ultimately costing the taxpayers in the form of user fees and
taxes; therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that the Makakilo-Kapolei-Honokai Hale Neighborhood Board states its opposition to the Honolulu Rail project.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Mayor of the City & County of Honolulu, all members of
the Honolulu City Council, the Director of Planning and Permitting, the Director of Transportation Services; the City Planning Commission,
the Board of Water Supply Manager and Chief Engineer, the State Office of Planning, the State Land Use Commission, the State Director
of the Department of Transportation, Leeward and Central Oahu legislators, and all members of Leeward and Central Oahu Neighborhood
Boards along with ALL neighborhood board chairs.

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For specific questions or concerns regarding this resolution, the community is welcome to contact the Board Chair Evelyn Souza or the Transportation Chair / Board Secretary D. Kalani Capelouto

We respectfully ask that ALL of the other Neighborhood Boards on Oahu consider passing similar resolutions, as a show of support
for our “local” community (the Second City), Leeward Coast, and outlying adjacent communities.




  1. This is awesome news… even people on the west side are realizing this rail is a boondoggle based upon lies…
    more people should SPEAK UP!!

  2. 6 whole people oppose. Wow! Letʻs stop the whole frickenʻ project because Thad and his 5 cronies oppose the project.

    • Actually Kai, Hawaii Department of Transportation is helping to convince more to recall Caldwell as the project's
      the tipping point for transportation planning and politics on Oahu?”

      Prevedouros said; "….the combination of lane closures by the rail project and the various road pavement projects long overdue combined with the lane closures in Kaakako for high rise construction, and the cancellation of the PM Zipper project "
      Carmageddon soon?

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