Mayor Hannemann’s Next Job | Congrats Harold Estes | 20 For the Next 20 | The Perfect Gift

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BY SAM SLOM – The Honolulu Symphony died Monday in bankruptcy court after 110 years.Very sad for the musicians and for Honolulu.

Join me, and hundreds of others, tonight at a public meeting at Kaiser High School, 6:30 pm, to discuss the DOE’s planned closure / consolidation of Kamiloiki School and/or KokoHead Elementary School. Makes no sense.

Still no elected Speaker of the House at press time but Rep. Calvin Say reportedly one-vote short of continuing his control. Dissidents may be tiring.

The rumor is former Mayor Mufi Hannemann has accepted a position with the Hawaii Hotel & Lodging Association.Hannemann lost his bid for Governor in the September primary election. Hannemann would succeed Murray Towill who retired this past summer.

Final call for a Budget Analyst, year ’round, for the Senate Minority research staff at the Capitol. Call me personally at 396-1724 for specifics.

The Mercury Business Association on Monday recognized Harold B. Estes, a much honored World War II veteran and retired Navy Chief Boatswain’s Mate, celebrating his 96th birthday. Estes is well known for being instrumental in bringing two of Pearl Harbor’s main tourist attractions to Hawaii, the Battleship Missouri Memorial and the USS Bowfin Submarine Museum and Park. He joined the Navy in 1934 and retired in 1955 having proudly served his country for 21 years. Estes has received numerous awards from the Secretary of the Navy for his service, including a 1981 Citation and 1988 Certificate of Award in Appreciation of Meritorious Public Service to the Department of the Navy. He is also a lively part of Hawaii’s community being involved as an active member in various organizations, including the Mercury Business Association, the Navy League of the United States, the Rotary Club of Waikiki and Sales & Marketing Executives of Honolulu.

Check out SBH member Bob Sigall’s book, “The Companies We Keep,” (volumes 1 & 2) fascinating stories of the origin of hundreds of local businesses. It’d make a great Christmas gift!

You have until 5 pm TODAY to nominate up-and-coming leaders for Hawaii Business Magazine’s “20 for the Next 20”  program. HB is looking for 20 people whose talents, past accomplishments and potential set them apart as emerging leaders of Hawaii over the next two decades. You can nominate them through HB’s web site: >click here to go to website

These people to watch can come from any field: business, public service, innovation, education, politics or elsewhere. Age is not a factor. The key is energy, intelligence, charisma and daring. They might be unifiers, innovators or iconoclasts. They could be unknowns, or already have a growing reputation and impact that appears destined to grow much greater.

Here’s what HB wants to know:

Facts about the nominees, including name and key roles in the community;

Their accomplishments at work and elsewhere, and what makes them special;

Why you think they are destined for even greater things in Hawaii;

Your name, contact information and association with the nominee.
Self-nominations are welcome.

Contact Jason Ubay, Managing Editor
Phone: (808) 534-7529. FAX: (808) 537-6455.

There is a new website to follow former Governor Linda Lingle. Go to

Panos Prevedouros will be in Greece from Jan 5 to 15; he was selected to chair the accreditation committee for the University of Thessaly.

Grace Pacific is purchasing all of Hawaii’s 76 gasoline stations from Mid Pacific Marketing. Aloha Petroleum recently took control over Hawaii’s Shell stations.Yesterday, Aloha Petroleum, Ltd. announced that it has been awarded a $45 million, one-year contract to supply gasoline and diesel to select military bases on Oahu.

Under the contract with the Army & Air Force Exchange Service, also known as Exchange, Aloha Petroleum will supply six Exchange locations on the island.  The contract goes into effect in January 2011.

“Aloha Petroleum has been working with the military for several years, supplying gas, diesel, and alternative fuels for fleet, tactical and transport vehicles.  We’re looking forward to this new opportunity to provide fuel to military members and their families,” said Richard Parry, Aloha Petroleum president and CEO.

Kahala residents discussed Japanese businessman Genjiro Kawamoto’s plan for a private art museum in Kahala last night. It is safe to say there is no aloha for Kawamoto in Kahala. The town meeting was arranged by State Rep. Barbara Marumoto.

SBH member and CPA, Natalie Iwasa, says, “Did you arrive at work late because of another frustrating morning spent “in traffic?” Are you concerned about the extra cost your business incurs because of our current transportation system?  If so, now is your chance to provide input on policies that will shape our statewide long-range land transportation plan for the next 25 years.

Under the federal Safe Accountable Flexible Efficient Transportation Equity Act:  A Legacy for Users, aka SAFETEA-LU, states are required to develop transportation policies and plans that include input from stakeholders such as you.  In response to this mandate, the Hawaii Department of Transportation recently formed the Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) of the Statewide Long-Range Land Transportation Plan. Twenty members representing various groups will serve on the committee for approximately the next year and a half.  The business community is represented by Natalie, and she is looking for suggestions and comments from you.

The eight planning factors that will provide the framework for goals and objectives to be used to develop state land transportation policies are as follows:

… Environment and Sustainability – developing transportation solutions that meet current needs and provide for the ability of future generations to meet their needs, generally focused on promoting energy conservation, slowing the pace of climate change and improving the quality of life;

… Modal Integration – increasing the availability of various transportation mode choices and providing efficient and attractive connections between modes;

… System Preservation – a programmed schedule for regular maintenance, rehabilitation, reconstruction and replacement of transportation facilities;

… Security – multiple agencies working together to achieve common goals of risk management, incident detection, response, clearance and preparation for and recovery from disasters;

… Economic Vitality – transportation options and facilities that support planned growth in industry, tourism, and cultural and recreational opportunities by reducing travel time, operating costs, travel distance, crashes and logistics inefficiencies;

… System Efficiency Management and Operations – managing and optimizing performance of current infrastructure to improve mobility, reliability and predictability of travel within the existing transportation system and between modal choices;

… Transportation Access Mobility – improving transportation services and infrastructure to equally serve geographic areas and populations, and

… Safety – improving safety for users of all modes of transportation through engineering, education and enforcement.

The committee is in the process of reviewing goals and objectives for each planning factor that have been drafted based on mandates at the federal, state and county levels.  Your input can have a direct impact on our future land transportation system.

This is your opportunity to make a difference.
Please submit your comments to Natalie

Reminder, there is no scheduled monthly SBH Sunrise Networking breakfast in December. Sunrise will return Thursday, January 27 at the Pineapple Room, Macy’s Ala Moana, 7-8:30 am.

SBH’s 35th annual business and investment conference is Wednesday, January 12, 2011 in the Ala Moana Hotel. Best selling author and popular radio talk show host, Michael Medved will keynote. Many other fine business and community speakers are lined up including: Marcus Bender, Debi Halcro and James Kerr. A media panel will featureThe Franklin Center’s Jason Strevak and veteran business reporters, Jim Dooley, Matt Levi, Malia Zimmerman and Greg Wiles. Political leaders and Super Met Sid Fernandez will also join the Conference. Call Darlyn to reserve a seat at 396-1724

The weekly SBH News & Views E-Blast reaches more than 8,000 business owners in Hawaii. Business press releases welcome. Not receiving your copy? Send request and email address to or call Darlyn (808-396-1724).

Business alert: There is still time to make good end of year business and financial decisions. SBH can help you with YOUR business. Just starting a business?  Call me personally for help at 396-1724 or email: Smart Business Hawaii Means Business and we’re here to help you.

