Mufi’s Out. Now What? Voters Can Decide What They Want in Their Next Mayor: Status Quo and Rail or Stop the billion dollar rail, stop special interests and Fix Our City?

Panos Prevedouros, PHD
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I’m thankful that Mufi Hannemann’s resignation from the Honolulu Mayor’s position gives Oahu’s voters what is essentially a referendum on the way this City has been run.

The four  politicians running for this office all have clearly represented their support of the status quo with even prosecutor/politician Peter Carlisle pledging to have rail all over the island and through the Koolaus. Is Peter’s 30 Billion Dollar Rail Plan prudent fiscal policy for our Oahu?

I am the only candidate who is an engineer, not a politician, and I will stop the rail project, repeal its tax, and work with everyone who wants to make Honolulu the great city we all know it deserves to be.

Oahu is being framed to fail with a $5.5 Billion rail project, a $4.7 Billion sewer project, more Billions of necessary work for roads and water mains, thousands of homeless and ever increasing fees and taxes. Oahu’s infrastructure mismanagement must stop. Caldwell, Dela Cruz and Tam were a big part of this mismanagement.

Twenty years of corruption and mismanagement have amassed colossal debts for the city, which means colossal bills for its residents. The Buck has stopped and the Bills are in the Billions. Enough!

