National Megan’s Law Helpline & Sex Offender Registration Tips Program

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The National Megan’s Law Helpline (888) ASK-PFML (888) 275-7365, is available to provide support to communities: on issues related to accessing sex offender registration information; responsible use of information; sexual abuse prevention resources; and accessing crime victim support services.  Parents for Megan’s Law (PFML) staff provide assistance to the community in accessing their state sex offender registries and prevention specialists provide support to parents and community members to assist in their sexual abuse prevention education strategies.  Certified rape crisis counselors are available to support all victims of violent crime and to provide geographically appropriate referrals.

The Sex Offender Registration Tips Program provides the public an opportunity to report registrants who are failing to comply with registration requirements, employment or supervision restrictions or who are in positions of trust where they can access children.  Tips can be provided via the Helpline or website at  This program is not intended to be used to report police emergencies.  Dial 911 or contact your local law enforcement agency directly for emergencies. Agency deputized staff work collaboratively with federal, state and local law enforcement agencies to facilitate the appropriate follow-up action.

Parents for Megan’s Law and the Crime Victims Center is a not-for-profit, 501 c 3 organization dedicated to the prevention and treatment of child sexual abuse and rape, the provision of services to victims of violent crime, and elderly, disabled and minor victims of all crime. Violence directed against victims is an abuse of power, often directed at our most vulnerable, and must be met with unwavering resolve to hold perpetrators accountable, and provide victims with the support and services they need. Parents for Megan’s Law and the Crime Victims Center is committed to informing victims of their rights, involving them in the decision making process, securing crime victim compensation to which they are entitled and treating every victim with respect and dignity.

