National Veterans Network Chair Congratulates 100th/442 Vets on Medal of Honor

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Dear Friends,

We are very pleased to inform you that S 1055 passed the House of Representatives several minutes ago at 6:10pm (EST), 3:10 (PST), 12:10 (Hawaii), 5:10 (CST)!

It was a proud and historic moment to witness the passage of a bill that recognized the 100th Infantry Battalion, 442nd Regimental Combat Team and the Military Intelligence Service with the nation’s highest civilian honor by the United States Congress. It was long overdue.

All of us are incredibly proud of your contributions and achievements, and grateful for your service to our country.

This recognition not only extends to those who are living, but for those who were killed in action and those who have passed on. Please take a moment to remember them at this time.

We also acknowledge the steadfast leadership of Congressman Adam Schiff and Senator Boxer, both whom we owe a debt of gratitude to.

The National Veterans Network will be in touch again.

The next step is for the President of the United States to sign the bill. THANK YOU all for your involvement, support and hard work!

Very best,

Christine Sato-Yamazaki

Christine Sato-Yamazaki is the  Chairperson of the National Veteran’s Network. She may be reached at

The National Veterans Network is an alliance of 22 World War II veterans’ organizations and non-profits from throughout the U.S. whose missions are to serve the interests of the Japanese American World War II veterans or to preserve the Japanese American World War II experience.

