Navy Region Hawaii sets Tropical Cyclone Condition of Readiness Four

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Photo: Emily Metcalf
Photo: Emily Metcalf

PEARL HARBOR-HICKAM – In preparation for Hurricane Iselle, Commander Navy Region Hawaii has set Tropical Cyclone Condition of Readiness (TCCOR) FOUR for Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam (JBPHH) on Oahu and the Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) on Kauai with destructive and sustained winds of 50 knots or greater possible within 72 hours.

DoD civilian and military personnel and their families who live and work on JBPHH and PMRF should take this opportunity to complete preparation of family disaster kits and stock up on food, bottled water, dry milk, batteries, flashlights, candles and other emergency supplies.  Pick up any last minute material for your hurricane kit. Prepare your home by securing all exterior furniture and loose objects.    Fill the gas tank of your vehicle and keep it above ¾ full as you complete your preparations.  The closer the hurricane is, the longer the lines for gas and groceries.

Go to the Hawaii State Civil Defense website and review closest shelter locations. JBPHH personnel and their families should monitor the Navy Region Hawaii and JBPHH Facebook and websites for updates, listen to recorded messages on the JBPHH Straight Talk Line at (808) 421-4000, and tune in to Joint Base Television (Oceanic Ch. 2) on base.

Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam Commanding Officer, CAPT Stanley Keeve would like to emphasize the importance of gathering your belongings around the exterior of your house. Things like your lanai furniture, propane tanks and grills, children’s toys and bikes, garbage cans and doormats can be removed from your house during the high winds. Be vigilant and police your house. We also recommend filling your bathtub with water, to be used as flushing water in the event of loss of water.

Ensure that you and your pet are prepared for the upcoming severe inclement weather.

Remain vigilant and listen to local news for updates.

