New Laws Used to Indict Man for Crimes Against a Hawaii Senior

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Keith Kaneshiro

SUBMITTED BY THE HONOLULU CITY PROSECUTOR – The Department of the Prosecuting Attorney’s Elder Abuse Justice Unit – citing for the first time two newly-enacted laws – today secured a grand jury indictment seeking increased penalties for a man charged with crimes against a senior citizen, Prosecuting Attorney Keith M. Kaneshiro announced.

The indictment alleges that Noah Perkins, 19, threatened a 73-year-old man who had a restraining order against him and also broke into the man’s home and stole items.

Perkins allegedly entered the home three times between August 11 and August 16, 2011. He is accused of verbally threatening the man once and leaving behind a threatening note on another occasion.

Previously, Perkins would have been charged with misdemeanors. Today, under the new laws, he was charged with first-degree terroristic threatening, a Class C felony, and first-degree unauthorized entry into a dwelling, a Class B felony. He also was charged with first-degree burglary, a Class B felony.

He faces maximum prison terms of 10 years for the Class B felonies and five years for the Class C felony.

On May 26, 2011, Gov. Neil Abercrombie signed Act 063 into law. Known as the “Protect Victims of Domestic Violence Act,” it amended criminal offenses to include threats against persons covered by protective orders or restraining orders.

On July 5, 2011, Abercrombie signed into law Act 187, which created a Class B felony for first-degree unauthorized entry into a dwelling, based on the occupant’s age or incapacity.

Both bills were supported by the Department of the Prosecuting Attorney.

