No Child Left Behind Has Demoralized Teachers and Students

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I read with great amusement your recent story “No Child Left Behind Has Positive Effect on DOE: Student Test Scores Rise in Hawaii”

I might admit that NCLB has had the desired effect of lifting our scores on these all too overrated, snapshot tests but at the considerable cost of the mass demoralization of Hawaii’s teachers and students.

I am a teacher and I can honestly tell you that I have yet to meet a single colleague with a positive impression of this ill thought out plan. Teaching has been transformed from being a rewarding connection to our kids to an assembly line which year by year goes a bit faster.

Eventually none of us will keep up. Meanwhile “failing” schools are bending over backwards trying desperately to counteract the considerable, often negative, influences of peers, parents and the media on our youth.

Your words seem to support the “in the trenches” teachers but with the same hand you offer praise you deliver a stinging slap in the face.

Don’t get me wrong, I know that the DOE and even many teachers have problems and I’m sure that there is abuse of the system, but the vast majority of people in the DOE and the HSTA in my opinion, are trying their very best to do what’s best for our kids.

I’ll even admit that NCLB has had some positive effect and holds potential for more. Butlet’s also not forget the down side. I know of several schools that have dropped computer education, music and even Hawaiiana in an effort to devote more energy towards reaching a goal which only gets higher each year.

I once recommended to nieces and nephews that they should consider teaching upon entering college. I no longer do this since teaching has become mired in paper work, seemingly endless extra meetings and the constant pressure to do better until we meet perfection in 2014. When was the last time you reached perfection?

”’Kevin Boggs is the Technology Coordinator for Kapolei Elementary School. Check out or reached him via email at”’

