No Snakes in Hawaii? Tell that to Kailua motorists who ran over a 5 foot Boa Constrictor

Boa constrictor run over on Oahu - Photo by Jesse Spence courtesy of Hawaii News Now
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Boa constrictor run over on Oahu – Photo by Jesse Spence courtesy of Hawaii News Now

Hawaii doesn’t officially have snakes, except a tiny worm like creature called the Blind Eye Snake, so when two motorist from Kailua who ran over a boa constrictor on September 22 on the Pali Highway, they was surprised enough to circle back and collect the slithering creature and turn it over to state agricultural officials.

Several inspectors went to inspect the area by the Nuuanu Reservoir where the snake was found, but could not find evidence of relatives.

This Boa Constrictor was 5 feet long, but can grow up to 12 feet.

It is illegal to own and transport snakes to Hawaii.

They have no predators and do pose a serious threat to native species.

Call the state’s PEST HOTLINE at 643-PEST(7378) to report any sightings of illegal animals in Hawaii.




  1. Drive in a track on Kuhio and scream : "Go home. Go to mainland.This is not San Fransisco."
    Or place inside of banana and leave on a street, just 5 min before some haoles come home.
    Hey, or place on Mind Control and staff like that. Ask Kealoha- HPD for professional help.

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