Seniors Hurt by No Social Security Cost-of-Living Increase

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BY RHONDA GLASS — Here is another great reason to vote in November folks.  The Associated Press just announced on October 10, 2010, that the Government will not give our seniors a cost of living increase with their Social Security income benefits – again! 

How is that for the Democrats looking out for our seniors?  It isn’t the Republicans; it’s the Democrats who hold a majority in both houses.  Yes, Hawaii’s very own United States Senator Daniel Inouye and Congresswoman Mazie Hirono, who gave themselves nice raises this past year, are supporting this action – as usual.  Social Security coffers are going bankrupt, yet somehow there is extra money available to stuff into the pockets of these bureaucrats.  Does anyone else see something wrong with this picture?

It is becoming more and more obvious that the current administration intends to further its insidious agenda by targeting the most vulnerable among us, while at the same time following the advice of Karl Marx:  accuse the other guy of doing what you are doing yourself.

Please go to the polls, and when you do, keep in mind who has been in Washington for years, deciding who “deserves” a decent livelihood and who does not.  It’s time for some real hope and change!  Your vote does count.

Rhonda Glass is a resident of Kahului




  1. At a time when accusations and factual misrepresentations are flying across the internet during this campaign season, I’m sorry that Ms. Glass simply doesn’t have her facts straight.

    Members of Congress did not give themselves a raise last year. In fact, Congresswoman Hirono voted AGAINST such pay raises.

    As for Social Security, members of the Republican leadership on Capitol Hill have said they intend to PRIVATIZE Social Security. Congresswoman Hirono strongly opposes privatizing Social Security because it will subject seniors’ retirement benefits to the vagaries of the stock market. Everyone knows that is a dangerous proposition. Privatizing Social Security would endanger the retirement payments “the most vulnerable among us” rely on to simply make ends meet.

    I would like to think Ms. Glass would not support such an effort.

    Marvin Buenconsejo
    Communications Director
    Office of Congresswoman Mazie K. Hirono

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