Non-Apology, Apology: Is Rep. Hanohano Really Sorry for Her Racist Rant?

Rep. Faye Hanohano apologizes for racial slurs and threats she made to state workers. (photo courtesy of
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Rep. Faye Hanohano apologizes for racial slurs and threats she made to state workers. (photo courtesy of

BY MALIA ZIMMERMAN – State Representative Faye Hanohano, a Democrat from Puna who chairs the House Committee on Ocean, Marine Resources, & Hawaiian Affairs, tearfully apologized on the floor of the House of Representatives on March 1 for racial slurs she made to state exhibition experts from the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts earlier that week.

The House Majority press office also issued a written statement on Hanohano’s behalf saying she was sorry if she offended anyone when she told the art specialists as they hung paintings her staff selected that she did not want art produced by “Haoles, Japs or Pakes.” (Caucasians, Japanese and Chinese).

Hanohano promised to rebuild the relationship with the State Foundation for Culture and the Arts. But when it came time to apologize to the very state employees she insulted, Hanohano’s letter was just 16 words:

“I humbly apologize for any comments I made that you may have found to be offensive.”

She didn’t elaborate and she did not apologize for threatening to cut funding to the department for the “Art in Public Places” program, which places about 5,800 pieces of art per year produced by local artists in state owned buildings, including the state capitol.

Hanohano, who is native Hawaiian, wanted native Hawaiian art in her office, but her staff had already selected artwork to match what was displayed in her office without realizing her preference. Hanohano in turn lashed out at the exhibition experts who had worked diligently with her staff to ensure she had the artwork she wanted.

Eva Laird Smith, Director of the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, stood up for her employees and asked House Speaker Joe Souki to have Hanohano apologize publicly and in writing.

The House Speaker said he did not condone the offensive language and behavior and asked Hanohano to send a letter of apology to the State Foundation on Culture and Arts Exhibit team specialists. He also extended an apology to the members of the Exhibit team.

Hanohano’s letter to the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, received March 5, surprised those who read it because of Hanohano’s brevity and seeming insincerity.

Michael W. Perry, a popular radio personality who co-hosts KSSK Radio’s Perry and Price Morning Show, said he didn’t see Hanohano’s one sentence statement as an apology. He received several dozen calls over the last few weeks from listeners who were offended by Hanohano’s remarks and weren’t satisfied with public statements and actions.

In explaining her actions, Hanohano called herself “an honest and straight speaking woman whom descends from long line of proud leaders and warriors from Puna of Hawaii Island.” And she pledged to “serve my people and the people of the State of Hawaii to the best of my ability, integrity and for the honor of my kupuna (elders).”

But Perry said her apology was more like a “non-apology” and he also noted that although Hanohano is the one who made the racial slurs and threats, she pledged to put her entire office staff through training with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

“My office has already reached out to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to assist us in obtaining additional training for all of our staff. We are committed to taking immediate steps to ensure that an incident like this never happens again,” Hanohano said.

Perry joked that if he or his co-host Larry Price had said anything like she did on the air they would be working at K-Mart doing announcements for shoppers, and not on the state’s number one morning radio show. Some callers to KSSK have said they were so offended by her racist rant they want Hanohano to resign.




  1. What's OHA's opinion?
    Guess they don't care what Hanohano does, as she represents OHA's views anyway.

  2. Malia, where have you been? I have waited weeks to read your learned piece. OK, now tell me if we see the Legislative Protective Group in action on this issue. Collectively they (76) are hoping that the public will become weary of hearing about a Representative of the ALOHA State displaying BIGOTRY. As a group are we going to go without our leaders? Surely there is One (1) who will defend the rest of the Native Hawaiians who have been deemed guilty of association with a disrespectful person.

    • This is not part of the u s what can't you get go to learn true laws be4 you talk or you just do wana know the the truth .or go to Google and go to Hawaiian kingdom blog and see what's going on with the ICC /ICJ/ the UN world peace court

  3. Michael W. Perry said it best, nuf said! I realy don't thimk Rep Hanohano is sincere about anything except her Hawaiian ties. She will always be known for these racial comments, I hope she can live with it.

  4. Anyone who does think Hanohano is sincere is delusional. Hanohano is a hater, plain and simple. However one point in her favor, she seems to hate every race, so in essence she is a non-discrematory hater.

    • “For Hawaii’s indigenous peoples, the concepts underlying genetic manipulation of life forms are offensive and contrary to the cultural values of aloha ‘ʻaina [love for the land],” wrote Mililani B. Strask, a native Hawaiian attorney.
      She's also delusional.

      Another hater in the Name of Native rights is Imani her & see her website.

  5. It doesn't surprise me that the only comments allowed on this page are anti-Hanohano. I know her to be quite opposite to what is being portrayed. She a lovely person. Take a lesson from Keola Beamer singing Mr Sun Cho Lee. You wouldn't call that racist, would you? .

    • Did you read the 5th. paragraph? Read it.
      "….but her staff had already selected artwork to match what was displayed in her office without realizing her preference. Hanohano in turn lashed out at the exhibition experts who had worked diligently with her staff to ensure she had the artwork she wanted….."
      Rep. H. never contested this report or said it was false.

  6. To tease about race as the Mr. Sun Cho Lee song suggest is very different from the mean spirited racisms from an elected official using the power of her office to threaten state employees. It is not anti-Hanohano rhetoric, it is a commentary on an underlying bigotry of entitlement that threatens the "it's a wonder we all get along" in the song.

  7. As a resident of Massachusetts I just love reading about the racist Hawaiians. It makes me laugh when I tell people that Hawaii is the most racist state in the union and mainlanders think I am talking about white people being racist against blacks. No, Hawaiians being racist against whites…now I see it is against others. Okay, haoles…let's take everything we brought to Hawaii…they want us gone? Let's take our cars and ships and money. My goodness, folks, get an education. I was engaged to a Samoan and ended it because I realized he could never work on the mainland…because he didn't get the concept of education and a 9 to 5 job. Sorry but that is it.

    • Some parts of Hawaii (on all Islands), Whites can experience what it was like for Blacks living in the South during the 1950's.

    • No1 Hawaii is not part of america no2 america say that they are for the UN so why don't they go by the laws it is a war crime what they did in Hawaii this web site will show you step by step how we are not part of the u s check it out its you will see Dr keanu sa,I pic on this site he is working with the ICC/ ICJ/ UN world peace courts the red cross ,swiss america will be tell in the world soon what they did . go to this sites if you don't believe what I am say in and may God bless you 🙂

  8. It is time to put things into prospective. The reaction to HanoHano's outburst and "apology" is not an indictment of Hawaiians in general, but about the few that would be king. Those that mislead and take advantage of their position to spew hatred for their own gain. They use the UH system in required classes to indoctrinate students with their revisionist history and venomous ideology. They use OHA to build their own power base at the expense of those they say they are helping. Racism is alive in Hawaii, as it is everyplace in the world. Everyone is guilty of it one way or another. Unfortunately history has shown mankind that when people in leadership positions manipulate and exploit one group against another, the worst of mankind will manifest itself. Hawaii is a beautiful place like no other. With amazing and wonderful people from all over the world. They should not tolerate an atmosphere of bigotry, hatred or racism from a few greedy, power hunger self serving individuals.

  9. The State is wasting too much money on art. They don't even know what to do with all of it.

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