Now is a Key Time for Supporters of the Six Law Enforcement Coalition Bills to Set Forward-'Megan's Amendment' Hearing is Set for Today

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Now is a key time for supporters of the six Law Enforcement Coalition bills to contact legislators and ask them to set these bills for hearing.

For more information, see “Hawaii Law Enforcement Releases its Coalition Legislative Package”

Every one of these six measures has the unanimous support of every chief of police in Hawaii, every prosecuting attorney in Hawaii, and the Hawaii attorney general. All six measures enhance community safety while continuing to protect the rights of every citizen under the United States Constitution. They address:

*Megan’s amendment (sex offender registration) (HB 2368/SB 2843)
*Bribery of public officials (HB 2373/SB 2848)
*”Walk and Talk” (HB 2376/SB 2851)
*Sentencing reform (HB 2369/SB 2844)
*Electronic surveillance (HB 2370/SB 2845)
*Information charging (HB 2386/SB 2861)

Other competing bills target crime, but not all are supported by the law enforcement community. No one in the Law Enforcement Coalition played a part in drafting HB 2003 or SB 3233 (“substance abuse omnibus bills” aimed at drug problems). The Attorney General opposes HB 2003 and SB 3233 because of serious concerns that these bills actually weaken, rather than strengthen, sentencing provisions for drug offenders.

Instead, we ask you to show your support for the Law Enforcement Coalition bills — written by those who actually enforce the law, with decades of experience and expertise in law enforcement.

“Megan’s amendment” is set for hearing on Thursday, Feb. 5, at 9 a.m., in the Capitol conference room 309, before the House committee on Public Safety and Military Affairs (Chair Ken Ito, Vice Chair Romy Mindo) and the House committee on Labor and Public Employment (Chair Marcus Oshiro, Vice Chair Bob Nakasone). If you wish to show your support, this is an important opportunity to do so.

”’Bridget Palmer Holthus is special assistant to the attorney general and can be reached via email at:”’

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