Oahu Taxpayer Tea Party Set for April 16 at the Hawaii State Capitol

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TEA Party in Honolulu - Taxed Enough AlreadyBY ADRIENNE KING – The 4th annual Honolulu Tea Party Tax Rally will be held on Monday, April 16, from 4-7 p.m at the Hawaii State Capitol. Our Constitution and the very freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights are under attack like never before in our lifetime.

The non-existent federal budget, ballooning costs and regulations in health care, and our money wasted on this insane heavy rail system has created an election year the results of which will be a fateful turning point in our lives and our children’s.

This rally is an opportunity for those who are fed up with paying the bills levied with no accountability for the money spent or transparency in how the decisions are made to voice their protest: Enough is enough.

Confirmed speakers include:

Senator Sam Slom, (R-Hawaii Kai-Diamond Head)

Former Senator Fred Hemmings, noted fiscal waste and fraud finder

Representative Barbara Marumoto, (R-Kahala, Kaimuki), hero of save senior’s retirement from taxation

Honolulu City Councilman Tom Berg

Professor Ken Schoolland, world-renowned HPU Economics Prof, author international best seller: “Jonathan Gullible”

Dick Rowland, founder & CEO Grassroot Institute of Hawaii

Marissa Capelouto, owner Oahu Express, leader of battle for lower transportation fees to Hawaii

Tracy Ryan, former chair, Libertarian Party

Gil Rethman, author, Hump Day Report

Kawika Crowley,  author of The Substance of Liberalism, book endorsed by Michael Medved

Mike Greco, U. S. Army/Navy veteran, state senate district 16 candidate

U. S. Senate Candidate John Carroll, Jones Act reformer

Bill Corless, film industry advocate, renewable energy entrepreneur

ENTERTAINMENT provided by local talents, Angela Nelson & Bob Underwood, Akala dancers, Young Patriots and others. There are raffle prizes.

Participants include The Constitution Party, The Libertarian Party, Grassroot Institute of Hawaii and the Hawaii Republican Assembly; major sponsors include King and King, Attorneys-At-Law, Willes Lee and Marissa Capelouto.

The Honolulu Tea Party’s  mission is to promote three core principles derived from the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States: a constitutionally limited government, a free market economy and fiscal responsibility.  Our goal is to attract, educate, organize, and mobilize our fellow citizens to secure public policy initiatives consistent with these principles. We are organized as a non-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Hawaii.  Application has been made for Section 501c4  tax-exempt status with the IRS. Exemption from Hawaii GET has been conditionally approved pending IRS determination. Donations to support our mission are not tax deductible.

Our website may be found at  www.thehonoluluteaparty.com/  We are also on Facebook as The Honolulu Tea Party. We are a recognized affiliate of Tea Party Patriots, whose website may be found at https://www.teapartypatriots.org. We are strictly concerned with promoting adherence to the United States Constitution, free markets and conservative fiscal policy. We do not endorse or oppose any candidates for public office. We have no formal membership requirements and welcome anyone who supports our mission.

