O‘ahu Weddings on a Budget: Kama’aina Kine Guide

Crichton Uale Hawaii Wedding DJ
Photography: Stefan and Audrey
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Aloha kākou! Planning a wedding can be exciting, but guarantee going be expensive. No worry chicken katsu curry, ‘cause if you plan ‘em right, still can be mayjah. Yessah. Get ready for take notes cuz Unko going learn you how.

  1. Off-Season Kine

Summertime is nuts. Try look at November to February (but not holidays). Venues and vendors going be more affordable, and not going be as hot.

  1. Rush Em on One Weekday

Everybody like do their wedding on one weekend. Make ‘em one weekday and automatic you going save money. Tell da hui 6 months ahead for save one or two sick days. Yeah you.

  1. Nevermind Invite Da Whole World

We all get choke cousins and plenty classmates but how many of them you went talk to this past year? Das what I thought. Some people going be all hūhū they never get one invite but, oh well. No need go into debt for please everybody.

  1. Staycation Honeymoon

If you guys from town, and you get one friend with Marriott hookups, go couple days Ko’olina Marriott. If you guys from West Side, try Laie Marriott and do one North Shore Honeymoon. Maybe even outer island.

  1. Priorities

Put you two guys first then maybe family and friends right after. Food and entertainment going be what most people talk about after. And remember after the wedding pau, you guys still get one life to live. But no worry, you guys get ‘em.

If you want to know more about weddings in Hawaii. Come find me on Instagram or my website:





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