Obama And Holder Weaponize American “Justice”

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BY CHRISTOPHER G. ADAMO – In the past few weeks, America’s legal system has been subjected to an avalanche of outrages from the White House and Department of Justice. But while each individual event, if considered apart from the others, would be sufficient to warrant investigations of corruption and gross ethical lapses, when examined in its entirety the situation represents a methodical and premeditated effort to fundamentally reinvent the American concept of justice.

The stage was set for the current, abominable state of affairs during the Clinton years. Scrutiny of the Internal Revenue Service during the 1990s revealed a dubious pattern of highly prejudicial behavior, wherein its audits of non-profit organizations were heavily weighted towards conservatives. In short, Clinton’s political enemies faced harassment and incurred financial burdens of proving their innocence and legitimacy while liberal groups were spared any similar treatment. As the decade dragged on the pattern became glaringly obvious.

Also during that time, Clinton Attorney General Janet Reno brazenly opted to ignore or pursue evidence of malfeasance in individual cases as a direct result of the political affiliation of the subject in question. Thus, in the midst of a congressional investigation into the flagrant influence peddling of the Clinton White House by the Communist Chinese, Reno shamelessly endeavored to deflect attention by concocting a baseless case against then Republican Party Chairman Haley Barbour.

When George W. Bush was elected president in 2000, he had the opportunity and arguably the duty to investigate the perversions of law committed during the preceding administration. Yet in foolish deference to the misbegotten “new tone” strategy, Bush opted to do nothing, and in the process guaranteed that upon the eventual ascension of another liberal to the nation’s highest office, the chain of transgressions could resume. But despite the inevitability of this prospect, few imagined just how nightmarish the result might be.

Under the rule of Barack Obama and his minions, including Attorney General Eric Holder, America is witnessing the appalling transformation of its once shining system of justice from a guarantor of freedom and liberty for honest citizens into a weapon by which the iron fist of a corrupted government is mercilessly wielded against any noncompliant people. What had previously been a bastion of good on which the law-abiding could rest their hopes for rectitude is rapidly degenerating into a means of coercion and control. And with each passing day, its abuses erode and undermine the lifeblood of America’s former national greatness.

The continuing saga of the “New Black Panthers,” and Holder’s willingness to ignore their criminal activity on Election Day 2008 (which signifies an equivalent sentiment on the part of Holder’s boss, Barack Obama) can only be construed as a frontal assault on the foundational American precept of “equality under the law.” Evidence abounds that the Panthers deliberately and maliciously prevented citizens from accessing the voting booth. Yet despite mountains of evidence against the perpetrators, Holder chose to simply ignore this abominable episode, summarily dropping all charges. And it was never difficult to guess why.

Former Justice Department Attorney Christian Adams, who resigned in protest to Eric Holder’s behavior, has publicly stated that the Attorney General had specifically instructed his underlings to ignore incidents of black on white crime. On Tuesday July 6, he testified to this effect before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. America is now glaringly confronted with evidence of a race-based bias against true justice for certain citizens. And if allowed to stand, this abysmal situation guarantees the collapse and eventual eradication of justice for all of its citizens.

However, Holder’s betrayal of his rightful purpose as the nation’s chief law enforcement official does not end there. In an ideologically aligned effort to despoil the integrity of the nation while advancing the agenda of the left, Holder, who cannot find any motivation to confront the brutish intimidation of voters in Philadelphia, is on the warpath against the State of Arizona.

Having failed to pressure and intimidate Arizona Governor Jan Brewer into abandoning the state’s newly enacted law that portends a curb on the unchecked influx of illegals from its southern border, the Obama Administration unleashed Holder against Brewer and her state. Holder has made clear his intention to sue Arizona in an effort to usurp its law and hamstring any limits on the illegal invasion.

In a despicable corollary to that effort, he is proposing also to sue on behalf of some yet to be affected “victim” of racial “profiling.” Anticipating the infringement of the recently created “right” to never be asked one’s place of origin, Holder is ready to use the event as a springboard to decry the “injustice” of the attempt by the people of Arizona to restore the integrity of their state.

Clearly, neither Holder nor Obama have any interest in “securing the blessings of liberty” either to this generation of Americans or their posterity. This “change” that they intend to bring down on America is all about using the immense power and resources of the federal government to force the people into conformity with their twisted ideology. And any who stand in their way can expect the same degree of consideration for their rights as citizens as those disenfranchised voters in Philadelphia.

The extinction of true justice in America lurks in this grim spectacle. Like some depredated banana republic, innocence and guilt in this once great United States will henceforth be determined on the basis of political connections, leanings, and eventually, the willingness of the accused to purchase exoneration. Unless this evil tide is turned back, and those who seek to inflict it on this nation are held accountable, the fate of “due process under the law” looks increasingly bleak.

Christopher G. Adamo is a freelance writer who has been active in Wyoming politics for many years. Contact information, along with his archives, can be found at www.chrisadamo.com

