Obama Stresses Cooperation in Phone Call with China’s Xi

FILE - President Barack Obama, July 10, 2014.
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FILE - President Barack Obama, July 10, 2014.
FILE – President Barack Obama, July 10, 2014.

President Barack Obama says he wants U.S.-China relations to be defined by more cooperation and better handling of disagreements.

A White House statement says the pledge was made during a phone call Monday between Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping.


The statement said the two leaders also discussed shared regional and global challenges, including Iran’s and North Korea’s nuclear programs.

Obama said Iran must show its nuclear program is “exclusively peaceful.” He called for greater U.S.-China cooperation in the ongoing Geneva talks.

He also stressed the need for “enhanced communication and coordination” with China to ensure North Korea meets its denuclearization commitments.

The phone call follows annual talks last week between top U.S. and Chinese leaders in Beijing, where the White House said “important progress” was made.

There has been growing tension between Washington and Beijing, especially over mutual charges of cyber hacking and China’s maritime disputes.

At last week’s talks, U.S. officials warned that China’s far-reaching and disputed claims in the East and South China Seas risk triggering conflicts with its neighbors.

Washington says it takes no side in the sea disputes, but it has developed closer military ties with several of China’s rival claimants.

The talks also apparently did little to resolve U.S. allegations that Chinese hackers are stealing trade secrets and other information from American companies.

China has angrily rejected the charges. It instead accuses the U.S. of spying on Chinese targets, pointing to revelations by former American security contractor Edward Snowden.





  1. China, along with other members of BRICS, have already decided the US is not a party with which to negotiate and instead are setting up their own banking system and clearing house. The days of negotiation with US mandates and edicts are long gone.

    Obama is Harry Lennix's acting protege, trained by an actor to learn how to act. Actor Harry Lennix was approached years before Obama was elected and tasked with teaching Obama how to act. These are actor Harry Lennix's words. Here is the link to Harry Lennix telling truth: https://www.infowars.com/mancow-muller-obama-is-an

    President Xi Jinping and Putin are not actors. Putin is ex-KGB colonel and no one to be trifled with.

    Real vs. fake. Obama, trained by an actor to act. It was revealing to watch a G20 meeting months ago and see Obama stutter and stumble in front of hundreds of countries' ambassadors, making no sense, and finally, President Xi Jinping telling Obama to shut up, you have no money. President Xi Jinping and Putin proceeded to close $trillion dollar deals with multiple nations to trade.

    BRICS makes up about 44% of the Earth's trading nations and this body is moving very fast to cease global trading in US dollars. Obama, an actor trained by an actor to act is not capable of negotiating global finances. The US has an actor as senior executive. What kind of credibility US citizens gives Obama, an actor, trained by an actor is irrelevant as the real world wants real solutions that come from real life people.

    The world is proceeding to negotiate without the US. If the US citizens want to integrate into the global structure evolving via BRICS, it is going to have to replace an executive actor with someone who is versed in real world economics and leave the actors to television. Television does not trade make and the US is approaching an economic reality check no actor will save it from.

  2. The result of western world paying billions to China for cheap products the stores sell to consumers. ONLY China & CEO's profit from our hard earned money. CEO's live in luxury, while China's military gets cocky from buying our technology.

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