October Special Session Update

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BY REP. RICHARD LEE FALE – My office has received a lot of calls about the special session that the governor has called, beginning October 28. This communication is going out to answer questions about how you can be involved in the scheduled special session. I want to be clear, I do not agree with the Governor’s decision to call a special session. I believe it is a reckless and forced attempt to push major legislation without ample time for review and public input. That being said, the constitution allows the governor to call a special session. Therefore, if you want to have your voice heard on the same gender marriage issue, you will need to speak up during this special session.

How to Submit Testimony

If you are interested in submitting testimony on SB1- Hawaii Marriage Equity Act here are some guidelines:

  1. Testimony needs to be submitted BEFORE 10:30AM Sunday, Oct 27.
  2. Testimony can be submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee. You will first need to create an account on the www.capitol.hawaii.gov website.
  3. Click here to create an account, so that you can submit testimony.
  4. Click here for hearing notice instructions and links. Testimony may be submitted by email, fax, or on the Internet.

2013 Special Session Timetable (subject to change)

  • Mon Oct 28 – Senate Judiciary hearing begins at 10:30 AM in the State Capitol Auditorium (basement level).
    Click here to view the hearing notice.
    Click here to track the progress of SB1, including any revisions of the bill.
  • Wed Oct 30 – Final vote for the whole Senate scheduled
  • Thurs Oct 31 – House Judiciary hearing expected to be held (may change)
  • Mon Nov 4 – Final vote by House and Senate

Committees that will hear Senate Bill 1 (SB1)

Senate Bill 1 – SB1- Hawaii Marriage Equity Act is scheduled to be heard by the following committees. You can also express your views on SB1 by contacting the members of the following committees:

  • Senate Committee on Judiciary and Labor
    Clayton Hee, Chair
    Click here for the members of this committee.
  • House Judiciary Committee
    Click here for the members of this committee.
  • House Finance Committee
    Click here for the members of this committee.




  1. On October 24 I submitted testimony in favor of marriage equality regarding SB1 in the legislature's upcoming special session. I submitted that testimony for publication in Hawaii Reporter on both October 24 and 25, but Hawaii Reporter did not publish it, perhaps because it might be contrary to the views of the editor. However, it was published in the online newspaper Hawaii Political Info, where it can be seen at https://www.hawaiipoliticalinfo.org/node/6893

    • "If a church operates its facilities as a business, performing marriages for fee-paying non-members, then the church should be subject to the same regulations regarding non-discrimination in public accommodations as any other business, and should be required to pay taxes on its business income and its real property."

      Exactly why the churches are fighting due to the 'exemption" clause

      People wanting to get married should be able to choose either a sacramental marriage in a church, or a civil marriage licensed by the government; or they may choose to have both. Most people will probably want both. But they cannot get both through the same ceremony or at the same time or place.

      LGBT's want both.

  2. "if you want to have your voice heard"

    I thought state legislators talked WITH their constituents and voiced those opinions?

    Now some legislators tell their constituents what to do? Strange politics, "Representative" Fale.

  3. Frodo asked; "What are we holding onto Sam?"
    "That there's still some good on this earth" Sam replied.

    The battle for middle-earth has begun

  4. I am scared to death as to what is about to happen to Hawaii, since perversion is being granted rights to perpetuate

    I also cannot believe a sitting senator said that businesses can post rainbow symbols that would be a sign that it is gay friendly . IS IT NOT against the law to say business are not to say WE SERVE WHITES only. how you feel now who elected her?

    Senator Hee you twisted the facts at the end about who voted for and against you lied in front of everyone and twisted the facts on the votes. 60 40 liar with the 60% unsure how that 60 was actually leaning. bogus twist of facts you are an Obama abebeycrombie stooge.

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