Office of Hawaiian Affairs Candidate Forums Exclusively on Olelo Channel 56 This Saturday

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HONOLULU, HAWAII – On Saturday, Oct. 23, ‘Ōlelo Community Media, in co-operation with the Department of Education, will exclusively air four forums featuring 11 candidates for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) statewide on ‘Ōlelo Channel 56 from 6 to 10 p.m.

The forums were taped on Oct. 20 with all candidates responding to the same questions. Annette Amaral, OHA chair of policy and planning, served as moderator. The forums are made possible through the Hawaiian Civic Clubs.

The OHA candidates will appear as follows:

·     6 to 7 p.m.: Peter Apo, Jackie Burke and Walter Heen

·     7 to 8 p.m.: Rowena Akana, Kama Hopkins and William “Willy” Meyers

·     8 to 9 p.m.: Joe Kuhio Lewis, Leona Mapuana Kalima and Michael Malulani Odegaard

·     9 to 10 p.m.: Kealii J. Makekau and Oswald Stender

Individual forums will be aired until the Nov. 2 general election on ‘Ōlelo Channel 49; scheduled airtimes for those segments will be available at However, all four forums will only be aired altogether on the evening of Oct. 23.

‘Ōlelo has been a longtime supporter of community education and political engagement.

To encourage greater awareness of the issues and candidates this campaign season, beginning Oct. 11 and continuing through the Nov. 2 general election, ‘Ōlelo has devoted nine hours per day, seven days per week to election programming on Channel 49 as part of its “Vote Informed” programming.

Programming includes ‘Ōlelo’s exclusive Candidates in Focus, which features up-to-five-minute presentations by all participating candidates running for public office on O‘ahu. Candidate debates, forums on specific issues of interest, and other programs organized by candidates, community interest groups and non-candidate members of the public on issues of importance to our community are also featured on ‘Ōlelo Channel 49.

Online Viewing: The OHA forums, as well as other election-related programming, will also be available for online viewing after Oct. 23 by visiting Video-on-demand is available at

About ‘Ōlelo: Established in 1989, ‘Ōlelo Community Media is a private, nonprofit provider of community access television services and resources on O‘ahu. It is committed to building, convening and strengthening communities and providing a voice for people to share their stories and ideas about issues of importance to foster community engagement and well-being.

Submitted by Deborah Sharkey, President, Makana Communications




  1. Aloha dear readers,

    Below you will find my recommendations for voting in the election of November 2, 2010.

    My OHA recommendations are in item #5. But please read my recommendations for other contests as well.

    I am making recommendations only for those contests that are most closely relevant to the issue of race-based political sovereignty for ethnic Hawaiians, where I am focusing primarily on the Hawaiian Government Reorganization bill also known as the Akaka bill.

    1. U.S. Senate: I recommend Cam Cavasso (R), against Dan Inouye (D).

    2. U.S. House District #1: I recommend Colleen Hanabusa (D), against Charles Djou (R). [very interesting analysis]

    3. U.S. House District #2: I recommend John Willoughby (R), against Mazie Hirono (D).

    4. Governor and Lieutenant Governor: I recommend James “Duke” Aiona (R) and Lynn Finnegan (R) against Neil Abercrombie (D) and Brian Schatz.

    5. Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustee (5 seats to be elected):

    Remember that everyone gets to vote for OHA trustees regardless of race; and all Hawaii residents get to vote for all island-specific candidates. If you live on O’ahu, you get to vote for Maui (where I’m recommending a blank).

    O’ahu seat: I recommend Jackie Burke to unseat incumbent Walter Heen.

    Maui seat: I recommend a blank showing opposition to uncontested incumbent Boyd Mossman.

    At Large 3 seats: I recommend casting only two of the 3 votes allowed, in favor of Keali’i Makekau and Kama Hopkins
    (Let’s get rid of the 3 incumbents Rowena Akana, Oz Stender, and John Waihee IV.)

    To see the full analysis for each of these recommendations, please visit

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