REPORT FROM KAUAI COUNTY – The public will have an opportunity to let the Mayor know what the county’s budget priorities for next fiscal year should be via a user-friendly on-line survey.
“We are already actively planning for our fiscal year 2014 (FY14) budget submittal, and the public’s input will help us greatly to determine the priority needs that need to be addressed,” stated Mayor Carvalho.
The survey consists of six questions and can be completed in 15 minutes or less.
The Mayor’s FY14 submittal is due to the Council on March 15, 2013, however department heads began developing their budget proposals in early August, and have also been in contact with councilmembers to help determine the areas of critical need.
“We want to seek input much earlier in the process, from the council and the public at large, so that we can look at all options and develop a proposal that makes sense for our island,” stated the Mayor.
The survey can be accessed at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/kauaibudget, or in the “What’s New” section of the County of Kaua‘i’s homepage (www.kauai.gov). The survey will be open for public input through December 15, 2012.
[…] On-line survey allows Kauai residents to weigh in on budget prioritiesHawaii ReporterREPORT FROM KAUAI COUNTY – The public will have an opportunity to let the Mayor know what the county's budget priorities for next fiscal year should be via a user-friendly on-line survey. “We are already actively planning for our fiscal year 2014 (FY14 … […]
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