BY PHILLIP MOORE – In the last couple of days, e-mails have been sent out demanding all leaders of the Republican Party resign. The reason given for this command is that these Republicans have been responsible for the disastrous loss in the election of last Tuesday, November 2 here in Hawaii.
To be fair, the Democrats had something to do with this loss. It is yet to be determined to what extent the Democrats, masterful at both convincing and coercing voters to vote their way, are responsible for this loss.
Though I may share with others the dismay and frustration at our losses here at home, I never once thought of blaming Republicans; indeed I could only think of all the dastardly things the Democrats must’ve done to bring about such a loss.
In the meantime I believe it is imperative that all of us, who realize the desperate need for a two-party system in this State, be thankful, grateful and ENCOURAGING to all Republican candidates who ran last Tuesday in the general, as well as all those in the primary election in September, for their sacrifice of time, effort and money to be a representative of the people, and not the special interests who set their sights on garnering power, wealth and status only for themselves.
We should also thank those in leadership positions of the party who did their best in helping our candidates, some of whom won and some of whom did quite well for their first try; let us also be thankful to all those who contributed their time and their money to this cause.
This is not time for throwing out the baby along with the bathwater; it is a time for sober reflection in discerning the real causes of this loss. It is certainly not time for thumping of chests and shouting how much better others could have done.
It is not time to tear down but to build on these good candidates who must be encouraged to try again, encouraged not to give up, not to resign, but to try again.
Let us, each of us, send them e-mails and letters to thank and encourage them; let us make calls to them to fortify and encourage them.
Let us all who care about being a Republican in these times be generous in our prays and thanks for all those who have done their best in trying to overcome a monolithic, abusive, uncaring, unfair and unjust government which has been, through many decades, unresponsive to the will of the people.
Phillip Moore is an Oahu resident and member of the Hawaii GOP
Thank you Mr. Moore for offering a forward-thinking and positive direction on where we Republicans need to go.
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