BY NANCY MORGAN – Terrorists the world over are laughing into their turbans and praising Allah five times a day for the naive Americans who were responsible for electing Barack Hussein Obama as president of the U.S. And they’re giving a special thanks to the American media, specifically, the Washington Post, for giving them all the information they need to target the security agencies created in response to 9-11.
bin Laden is laughing because America’s political and media elites are doing his job for him. The Washington Post just gave bin Laden all the intelligence he needs to effectively counter any remaining efforts to combat Islamic terrorism.
Of course, the media and the Obama administration don’t identify it as such. Islam has been removed from official documents so as not to offend Muslims adherents of “the religion of peace.” Instead, the war on terror has been dubbed an “overseas contingency operation.” Hey, that even makes me laugh.
The Washington Post article detailing the number and locations of the government organizations and private companies whose business it is to defeat terrorism is merely a blatant continuation of terrorist-friendly policies the Obama administration and a complaisant media have put in place since Obama’s ascension to the highest office in the world.
Increasingly bizarre policies are being implemented that favor the rights of terrorists over the security of American citizens and the lives of our brave soldiers. Case in point: The recent proposal to award medals to American soldiers for “courageous restraint.”
This proposed medal send the clear message not to kill terrorists. Exercise restraint – even if it kills you. And by the way, make sure you don’t have a round in the chamber when you’re patrolling in Afghanistan. You just might end up shooting someone.
Ignoring reality, history and common sense, Obama and friends have decided that world peace is a possibility, if we can just convince those Islamic jihadists that we Americans are sensitive guys with good intentions. Feelings have replaced military might as the foundation of the war on terror. Oops, I meant the “overseas contingency plan.”
Politicians are busy bestowing civil rights, including access to America’s court system, for enemy combatants (terrorists) – while at the same time, pushing for investigations into atrocities allegedly perpetrated by American soldiers. Meanwhile in Iraq, a suicide bomber targeting army soldiers and members of a government-backed militia lining up to receive their paychecks just yesterday killed at least 43 people and wounded 46.
In Afghanistan, Taliban guerrillas are outright ignoring America’s moral posturing and Obama’s sensitive outreach. They just staged a series of raids in western Afghanistan Sunday, blowing up the gate of a jail and freeing 23 insurgent prisoners. I bet that really hurt Obama’s feelings. Those jihadists must not have gotten the word that there is no more war on terror.
Another plank in our “overseas contingency plan” is a push to build the self esteem of terrorists. If only we can convince these murderers that they have worth, well, they’ll lay down their arms and join Obama in a rousing chorus of kumbaya. Once they’re done laughing.
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said last month NASA’s new priority is “to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering.”
Here’s a newsflash. Arabs haven’t contributed anything of worth to the field of science since the seventh century. In fact, many devout Muslims view science and reason as diametrically at odds with their faith.
And in case you missed it, the self-esteem movement practiced for the last couple decades in America has bred two generations of idiots who think the world owes them a living. But Obama apparently believes that we can win the “overseas contingency plan” by bestowing self-esteem on our sworn enemies.
As Islamists breed generations of child warriors, versed in hatred, jihad and the killing of infidels, Americans raise their boys to be sensitive metrosexuals. As terrorists successfully recruit in our prisons, our officials are busy implementing bingo and “life-style” classes for the terrorists confined to Club Gitmo.
Now that our enemy has a roadmap, thank-you, Washington Post, to the locations of the main American infidels, all that remains is safe conduct to the target site. Not to worry, Obama and friends are busy making it easy for them. After tapping a supporter of “sanctuary cities” as immigration chief, Obama further enabled terrorists by deciding to sue Arizona for daring to enforce the law against illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants that include among their ranks un-politically correct killing machines, formerly known as Islamic terrorists.
Our current administration continues to believe that terrorists can be swayed by the word soup and mushy sentiments emanating from D.C. – completely ignoring the fact that Islamists, throughout history, view kindness, appeasement or “reaching out” as a sign of weakness.
Winston Churchill understood the true nature of Islam. “Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.” America, led by Obama, is ignoring the reality of Islamic terrorism, replacing it with an unrealistic version of how it should be. If only the world were a perfect place.
Writer Andrew McCarthy wrote in National Review, “In the U.S., political correctness has stifled inquiry into Muslim doctrine, we’ve conjured up a trendy, modern Islam: one fit for seamless assimilation into Western society.” This wishful thinking has now become official policy.
Official American policy and a traitorous media have given bin Laden and friends free rein to continue and accelerate the war on terror. Inquiring minds are starting to ask “Just whose side are they on?”
Nancy Morgan is a columnist and news editor for conservative news site