Pedophile Party?

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Interesting article in the ”’Honolulu Star-Bulletin’s”’ July 18th issue: “A Dutch
court refused yesterday to ban a political party whose main goal is to
lower the age of sexual consent from 16 to 12 … Widely dubbed the
“pedophile party”, it is unlikely to win a seat in Parliament.”

Lucky we live Hawaii, yeah? As the father of two preteen girls, I’m so glad I live in a state where we don’t have to deal with politicians from a lunatic fringe political party who think the age of consent should be below 16.

In particular, I’m delighted to live in such a conservative
state where there isn’t the slightest chance that we could elect a
politician running for our version of Parliament, Congress, who has ever
sat in a State House or Senate committee hearing room and argued in favor of policies similar to those of the Dutch Pedophile Party. Nope, rest assured, no one with pernicious views like that on the ballot.

”’Jim Henshaw, a resident of Kailua, can be reached via email at”’

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