Peyo Lizarazu wins the Sapinus Pro, presented by Air Tahiti Nui

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Frenchman Peyo Lizarazu

Peyo Lizarazu secures a much deserved win

2010 World Number 2 and World Champion Kai Lenny’s (Naish) fiercest rival to date, Frenchman Peyo Lizarazu wins the prestigious Sapinus Pro, presented by Air Tahiti Nui in what can only be described as epic conditions. With 3 podium finishes in 2010 and an impressive 3rd place at Sunset Beach in 2011, Peyo Lizarazu finally achieved a well deserved and long awaited win here in Tahiti. Peyo surfed his way intelligently through the rounds and in the FInal, got the best of the challenging conditions with an impressive opening barrel that secured the win for the Frenchman, propelling him back up to 2nd place in the overall rankings for 2011. Coming into Brazil, Peyo will be looking to close the gap between himself and Kai in the knowledge that the discards will get rid of his worst result(s) and that he is still very much in the running for the 2011 World Title, despite current World Champion Kai Lenny’s dominating start to the year. Check out the highlights from the final day of the Sapinus Pro at

Kai Lenny continues his charge

Despite not walking away with the win here in Tahiti, Kai Lenny had a spectacular event, clearly demonstrating his big wave prowess, especially in the early heats where he pulled into one of the heaviest barrels of the contest and scored the single highest scoring ride of the contest (9.6 points), and his incredible calm under pressure that is making him the Champion that he is. With a 3rd place finish at the Sapinus Pro, Kai is still in an incredibly strong position, with two 1st place finishes and a 3rd, keeping him quite literally on top of the world. However, there is no doubt that the now famous rivalry in 2010 is once again alive, as Peyo closes the gap and is right on Kai’s tail, with  a massive boost of confidence following his win here in Tahiti.

The Tahitians stand strong at home in Sapinus

With the strongest field of Tahitian athletes yet, the home court advantage played a major role in the powerful and intimidation surf at Sapinus: In particular, Patrice Chanzy stamped his mark on the Stand Up World Tour this year by being the first person to beat Kai in any heat so far in 2011 (3 heats in a row), and by finishing in 2nd place with some of the more impressive barrel rides of the contest. He is definitely someone to look out for as we progress through 2011. Also standing out was Didier Tinhin, who convincingly won his quarter and semi final heats to make it the Final (4th place), with a particularly memorable barrel in the semi finals. Notable performances also came from Tama Audibert (Starboard) and Arsene Harehoe.

The return of Dave Muir

2010 Sapinus Pro Champion Dave Muir (Starboard) narrowly missed out on his place in the finals thanks to a barrel by Patrice Chanzy in the dying minutes of the heat and despite some impressive rides that included the trademark Dave Muir power turns, but also some technical barrel rides too.

Aaron Napoleon wins the ‘Air Tahiti Nui Most Committed Surfing’ award

Aaron Napoleon once again demonstrated that he is always a force to be reckoned with, especially in waves of consequence, narrowly missing out on a place in the Final and finishing in a well deserved 5th place. Aaron’s ‘all in’ approach to getting barreled was impressive in the powerful and often unpredictable surf, as he threaded his way through some of the longest and heaviest barrels of the contest and won a round trip ticket on Air Tahiti Nui for his effort.

Guillaume Bourligueux & Fabiano Tissot: casualties

Local favorite Guillaume Bourligueux went down in the early rounds as the lip clamped down popping out his shoulder and twisting his knee, while Brazil’s Fabiano Tissot (Art in Surf) had a similar fate in his quarter final heat, but for him, it was a broken foot. Sapinus is not a wave to be taken lightly and while it provided the perfect conditions for some of the most intense stand up paddlesurfing in history, it also took its fair share of casualties.

Sapinus Pro: one of the premier events on Tour

The Sapinus Pro presented by Air Tahiti Nui further establishes itself at the heart of the Stand Up World Tour as one of its most prestigious and spectacular stops. For the second year in a row, the now famous waves of Sapinus provided one of the most mind blowing spectacles that the sport has ever seen, as the world’s best stepped up to the challenge. There were so many amazing rides by so many of Stand Up World Tour athletes, that this event will be talked about for years to come: from Pomai Hoapili’s barrels, the arrival of a new force from Australia in the form of Justin Holland and Tahitian Dorrence David in the Trials, to Kai Lenny’s opening waves, Arsene Harehoe’s no grab barrel and little Riggs Napoleon (13) pulling in to waves that make Dave Muir look small, the event was filled with action, entertainment and emotion in the magnificent surroundings that only Tahiti can provide. You can find highlights, photo galleries and more at

A big thank you to our partners

A big thank you goes out to the proud partners of the Sapinus Pro, from presenting sponsor Air Tahiti Nui, that is also the Official Airline of the Stand Up World  Tour, The Moorings, La Mairie de Punaauia, Tahiti Tourism, OPT, Mana, Vini, Le Meridien and of course our local partners Papa Hoe, The Tahitian Surfing Federation and Sapinus Boyz. Maururu! A big thank you also goes out to the Stand Up World Tour Gold Patrons: Imagine, Rogue, Naish and Regular Patrons Starboard and Art in Surf. Stand Up Journal is the Official Magazine of the Stand Up World Tour

Next stop: Brazil
Stay tuned to as we build up to the next event that will take place in Ibiraquera in the south of Brazil for event number 4 on the 2011 Stand Up World Tour, as well as all the news, highlights and latest developments from the events, the athletes and the Tour as a whole.
Aloha, the Waterman League

