Philanthropist, Community Leader John Henry Felix Endorses Lynn Finnegan for Lt. Governor

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HONOLULU – House Minority Leader, Lynn Finnegan, Republican candidate for Lt. Governor, announced today the personal support of one of Hawaii’s most respected community and business leaders, John Henry Felix.

“As a Hawaii business owner and long time Republican, I am personally endorsing Lynn Finnegan as she works to become our next Lt. Governor.

“Lynn is smart, thoughtful, and genuine. Over the years of knowing Lynn, I have watched her gain the respect of her fellow legislators, earn the attention and respect of Hawaii’s business people and garner the trust of the Hawaii community at large.

“Lynn definitely has my vote and support in this Primary Election this September and I will continue to support her as a partner to Duke Aiona in the General Election in November.”

In addition to his many awards and recognitions for outstanding volunteer service on both the local and national level, John Henry Felix also serves as chairman, president and CEO of Hawaii Medical Assurance Association (HMAA).

“John Henry Felix has long been a beacon of light in our community.  As he often states, ‘community service is in [his] blood and in [his] heart.’  It is an incredible honor to have received his support as I seek the next step in my public service to the great state of Hawaii.”

Submitted by Corrie Heck, Communications Director, Friends for Lynn Finnegan

