Please Elect Marissa Capelouto to the Neighborhood Board

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MARISSA CAPLEOUTO (photo by Mel Ah Ching)

BY MARISSA CAPLEOUTO – Can you believe it has been almost six months since the November 2012 general election? Since then, our elected representatives in the State Legislature (the State House and the State Senate) have been down at the State Capitol; debating proposals, passing some, while killing others.

This is the time of year when promises made by politicians at election time are either kept or forgotten.  We will either be better off or worse off as a result of what these politicians do in regard to taxes, public education, the environment, traffic congestion, free enterprise, job creation, affordable housing, freedom, liberty, and more.  Chances are pretty high that we will be paying more while receiving less.  But with the right volunteers serving on our neighborhood boards, we stand a better chance of getting our money’s worth from government.

At the forefront of keeping politicians honest are the hardworking volunteers who serve on our neighborhood boards.  Since last year, I have been one of those watchdogs who meet every month in an official capacity at Kapolei High School in order to keep an eye on the politicians, programs, and the promises.

In 2012, I was honored to fill a vacancy on the Makakilo/Kapolei/Honokai Hale Neighborhood Board No. 34.  In 2013, my name will be on the ballot — your ballot — for a full two-year term on your neighborhood board.  I humbly ask for your vote.  Your support for me will help ensure that someone keeps an eye on your tax dollars and on the results we have been promised.  You are welcome to join us.

In addition to my own candidacy for the neighborhood board, I am proud to be part of a slate of trustworthy, hardworking candidates who put your interests ahead of special interests which already dominate our politics and policymaking.  Won’t you please join me in supporting our “Sensible Slate”?  Please visit for more information.

With more than a year and a half until the next election, it is crucial that we keep an eye on our politicians so that we don’t get the short end of the stick.  That’s why I need your support, so I can help you get your money’s worth.  Please vote for me, Marissa Capelouto, on the mail-in ballot you should be receiving any day now.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call or e-mail me.

HERE is the link to the online voting website, for which you’ll need the information mailed to you by the City’s Neighborhood Commission.

Thanks for your kind consideration of my candidacy.  My best to you and your family.

