Police, Prosecutor, Lawmakers Target Owners of Firearms, Second Amendment

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There are 35 firearms and hunting bills in the Hawaii State Legislature this year, fewer than usual.

Once again, law enforcement takes the lead in proposing restrictive gun legislation. The Honolulu Police Department wants the county police to take over regulation of all shooting ranges in the state, restricting hours of operation, and requiring:

“A ledger shall be kept of all persons entering the establishment. The ledger shall include the person’s printed name, signature, date of birth, social security number, the date and time the person entered and exited the establishment, and the make, model, and serial number of all firearms the person brings into the establishment; A copy of the firearm registrations shall be presented for all firearms brought into the establishment. …”

The county police would be able to close any range at its discretion should these bills pass — HB791 or SB1118.

Honolulu City Prosecutor Peter Carlisle has proposed a complete rewrite of the whole of Chapter 134, Hawaii State Firearms Law.

Disguised as a “simplification,” it includes old anti-gun favorites like take all your guns to the county police and re-register them every five years, retroactive registration of lawfully unregistered long guns, prove you have your guns at home in an arsenal type gun rack or gun safe, and a felony charge for transporting a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school (try to drive anywhere in the islands without passing a school).

It adds a felony charge for wearing body armor unless you have a permit issued by your chief of police, and prohibits civilians from buying it. It requires all mental health caregivers in the state to report their patients who own guns to the county police.

”HB803, SB1106” Another prosecutor bill would add felony firearms possession charges to misdemeanor violations of hunting rules or trespassing while target shooting.

”HB545, SB548” Law enforcement is aided and abetted this year in the Senate by Sen. Willie Espero, D-Waipahu, Honouliuli, West Loch Fairways, Fernandez Village, Ewa, Ewa Beach, Iroquois Point, and Puuloa, who sponsored restrictive firearms bills, and is pushing them in the Senate.

”SB1024, SB548” Sens. Ros Baker and Suzanne Chun-Oakland sponsored a bill to make it unlawful for individuals named under temporary restraining orders to sell or transfer their firearms rather than turn them in to county police.

”SB934, HB108” As usual, Senate liberals are taking the lead against firearms again this year. The House is so far relatively quiet. Legislator information, copies of bills, hearing notices, and status of bills are available at https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov

”’You can request hearing notices faxed or e-mailed to you, and you can submit testimony by fax or e-mail. You can contact your legislators by e-mail. For help, the public access system works: par@Capitol.hawaii.gov. or call 808-587-0478. Or call HRA, 808-261-2754, mcooper@aloha.net.”’

”Firearms Bills and Where Second Amendment Advocates Stand on Them”

*HB108 Prohibits person restrained by court order from transferring ownership of firearm. Hamakawa (BR) JUD ”STRONGLY OPPOSE”

*HB787 Provides qualified immunity for police chief and person acting under police chief’s authority for issuance, denial, suspension, or revocation of firearms permit. Say (BR) LAB, JUD ”OPPOSE”

*HB791 Provides for county regulation of firing ranges. Authorizes chief of police to issue permits. HPD bill. Say (BR) JUD,FIN ”STRONGLY OPPOSE”

*HB792 Provides a law enforcement exception to the prohibition against 10-round ammunition magazines. Say (BR) JUD ”NO OPINION”

*HB798 Requires a person applying for permit to acquire a pistol or a revolver to attend a handgun (as opposed to a firearm) safety or training course. HPD bill. Say (BR) JUD,FIN ”STRONGLY OPPOSE”

*HB803 Repeals entire Chapter 134 relating to firearms, ammunition, and dangerous weapons, and enacts a new law on the same subject. Includes retroactive registration, re-registration every five years, and restrictive storing requirements. Introduced by the Prosecutor. Say (BR) WLH, JUD, FIN ”STRONGLY OPPOSE”

*HB804 Makes mandatory minimum sentencing without the possibility of parole for repeat offenses applies to firearms violations to places to keep firearms and providing false information. Prohibits probation for a broader class of felony firearm offenders. Prosecutor. Say (BR) JUD ”OPPOSE” Accidental discharge is a felony.

*HB918 Provides a tax credit for any firearm returned to law enforcement authorities. Arakaki, Souki JUD ”OPPOSE”

*HB991 Allows a person who has been pardoned to own, possess, or control a firearm. Hamakawa JUD ”SUPPORT”

*HB1200 Requires Certificate of Fitness for users, dealers, and storers of ammunition and components. Say (BR) LAB, PSM, JUD ”OPPOSE”

Allows the Department to obtain national criminal background checks prior to issuance or renewal of a Certificate of Fitness for users, dealers, and storers of explosives. Imposes reporting requirement on individuals who purchase, use or store explosive materials.

Package: Gov

Companion: SB1372

Introducer(s): SAY (BR)

Current Referral:

Date Status Text

1/23/03 H Introduced

1/24/03 H Pass First Reading

1/27/03 H Referred to LAB, PSM, JUD, referral sheet 4.

*SB462 Amends the criteria for the firearms safety or training courses to ensure that the applicants specifically receive handgun training. Aduja, Whalen, KAWAMOTO (BR) TMG, JHW ”OPPOSE”

*SB465 Same as HB787 Kawamoto (BR) JHW

*SB570 Details the circumstances under which and the persons to whom, the chiefs of police may issue licenses to carry a concealed weapon or firearm; details processes for license applications, renewals, and record keeping. Slom JHW ”STRONG SUPPORT”

*SB934 Same as HB108. ”OPPOSE.” Chun Oakland, Baker. Heard in JHW, passed SD1.

*SB1024 Enables counties to regulate operation of firing ranges within their jurisdiction. Espero TMG, JHW STRONGLY OPPOSE

*SB1025 Allows licensed firearms dealers to order detachable ammunition magazines with a capacity in excess of ten rounds from manufacturers and have them delivered directly to the law enforcement officer who purchased them. Espero JHW ”NO OPINION”

SB1102 Same as HB804 Prosecutor. Bunda (BR) JHW

SB1106 Same as HB803 Prosecutor. Bunda (BR) TMG, JHW

SB1111 Same as HB798 HPD. Bunda (BR) JHW

SB1117 Same as HB792 HPD Bunda (BR) JHW

SB1118 Same as HB791 HPD Bunda (BR) TMG, JHW

SB1122 Same as HB787 Bunda (BR) JHW

SB1173 Amends the criteria for firearms safety or training courses to require persons to specifically receive handgun training prior to being issued a permit to acquire a pistol or revolver. Espero WLA heard 2/7, JHW ”OPPOSE”

SB1372 Same as HB1200


*HB217 Provides that providers of sports or recreational activities, whether for profit or otherwise, shall only be liable for damages resulting from their negligent acts or omissions which cause injury. Chang, Oshiro, Herkes, Daramatsu, Schatz, Abinsay, Ito, Tamayo, Wakai TAC,JUD ”SUPPORT”

*HB524 Limits civil liability for landowners who allow hunters to use their property for hunting. CHANG, EVANS, HIRAKI, HALE, HERKES, Kahoohalahala, Wakai, Magaoay, Souki, Karamatsu Heard and passed in WLH, referred on to JUD ”SUPPORT”

*HB545 Clarifies lawful possession of a rifle or shotgun for hunting or target shooting is limited to instances of lawful hunting or lawful target shooting. ABINSAY, KARAMATSU, Sonson, Magaoay, Marumoto, Herkes, B. Oshiro WLH, JUD ”SUPPORT”

*HB985 Prohibits the use of snaring and poisoning as methods of controlling game-animal populations. Hamakawa (BR) WLH, JUD ”SUPPORT”

*HB522 Appropriates $150,000 from the tourism special fund to enhance agricultural tourism venues (including hunting). CHANG, EVANS, JERNIGAN, KARAMATSU, HIRAKI, HALE, Takumi, Wakai, Magaoay, Souki, Herkes AGR, TAC, FIN ”SUPPORT”

*SB37 Same as HB217 KIM ECD, JHW

*SB548 Same as HB545 INOUYE, Espero, Chun Oakland, Hooser WLA heard 2/7, JHA

*SB1076 Authorizes the Department of Land and Natural Resources to designate public hunting as the primary means to control game animals in the natural area reserves system. KOKUBUN, Inouye, Taniguchi WLA heard 2/7, WAM ”SUPPORT”

*SB1085 Same as HB524 BUNDA (BR) TMG/ECD, JHW

*SB525 Same as HB522 INOUYE, Espero, Kokubun, English TSM/WLA, WAM


BR= by request, meaning the introducer doesn’t necessarily support the bill.

SB= Senate Bill

HB= House Bill, many identical bills are introduced in both.

HPD, Prosecutor= government agencies proposing the bills
Legislator names= introducers or supporters, except Bunda and Say, the Senate Pres. And House Speaker, who introduce all package bills from government agencies.

JUD and other three letters in capitals indicate the committees the bill is to be heard in. E.g., JUD is House Judiciary

SUPPORT/OPPOSE/NO POSITION= HRA position on the bill

To get copies of the bills, notice of hearings, and results of action taken on bills, see:


