Political Tittle-tattle: News and Entertainment from Hawaii's Political Arena

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”Honolulu Advertiser Editors Bash Rich While Taking Home the Big Bucks”

In the Hawaii media world, those who are employed at the Honolulu Advertiser are considered “rich.” The paper is unionized and the writers and the rest of the employees make far more than those at other newspapers, and for that matter, more than those in the television media (with the exception of primetime broadcasters) and a heck of a lot more than those in radio. So when its editorial writers take off on the “rich” as they did today, they seem, well, down-right hypocritical.

The Honolulu Advertiser editorial today entitled “Bush tax cuts boost the rich — and deficit” is no surprise to those who understand the paper’s political agenda.

Marching in step with the Democrat National Committee, the piece bashes “rich” taxpayers, citing a study that the editorial does not name (probably because it was written by the Democrat National Committee), which says the Bush plan helps the rich and hurts the poor. Specifically the study analysis is quoted as saying the top 1 percent of earners would get 28 percent of the benefit of Bush’s plan, the top 10 percent would get 59 percent and the bottom 60 percent would get 8 percent of the total.

The Honolulu Advertiser editorial ends with a call to action for Hawaii’s Congressional team: “We remind Hawaii’s delegation that we sent them to Washington, not to benefit the rich, but the rest of us.”

Come on –

