Political Tittle-tattle: News and Entertainment from Hawaii’s Political Arena – Jan. 14, 2005-Hawaii Congressmen Rank at Rock Bottom on Business Related Votes, NFIB Study Says; Pro-Life Advocates Concerned About Push for Physician Assisted Suicide Legislation This Coming Session, Say House Strategy Unfair; Governor Seeks More Autonomy for University System; State Parks to Receive Major Face Lift; Wanna Be a Rep?; Former State Rep. Joins Governor

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”Hawaii Congressmen Rank at Rock Bottom on Business Related Votes, NFIB Study Says”


The National Federation of Independent Business recently released its ratings on how Congress members ranked during the 107th and 108th Congress in terms of votes on 12 key small business issues. Those issues relate to healthcare, repeal of the death tax, jobs growth incentives, overtime pay, business interest checking, corporate tax overhaul, Occupation Safety and Health Administration requirements, the Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act, and the Small Business Health Fairness Act of 2004.

The worst scores in Hawaii of the state


