Poll Shows Romney Leading in NH, Followed by Paul and Huntsman

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Mitt Romney

Alexandria, VA – According to new polls released by Watchdog.org, a project of theFranklin Center for Government and Public Integrity, a national nonprofit journalism organization, likely GOP voters in New Hampshire are favoring Mitt Romney for the GOP Presidential nomination at 37%, followed by Ron Paul at 19% and Jon Huntsman at 16%. Rick Santorum fell to fourth with 14% and Gingrich is polling at only 9%.

A seperate poll of 1,482 statewide voters from every political party found that 70% believe that the country is heading in the wrong direction and 50% of likely voters would choose the Republican candidate over President Obama. Full poll details are listed below.

The telephone surveys were conducted on January 4, 2012 of 1,482 likely voters in New Hampshire and 865 likely GOP Primary voters by Pulse Opinion Research. Pulse Opinion Research, LLC is an independent public opinion research firm using automated polling methodology and procedures licensed from Rasmussen Reports, LLC.

“Watchdog.org and the Franklin Center’s network of reporters in more than 40 states will continue to follow the breaking news from the GOP Primaries as well as all of the 2012 election races around the country,” said Franklin Center President Jason Stverak.

Watchdog.org is a collection of independent journalists covering state-specific and local government activity. The program began in September 2009, the brainchild of the Franklin Center for Government & Public Integrity. Founded in January of 2009, the Franklin Center is a nonpartisan organization that networks with news organizations in more than 40 states. The Franklin Center believes that new technology can advance the cause of transparency in government. The Franklin Center aims to educate, to advise, and to train individuals and organizations from all backgrounds to become thorough, unbiased, and responsible reporters well versed in new media techniques and journalistic integrity.

Full results listed below

Poll of 865 Likely GOP Voters

1* If the 2012 Republican Primary for President were held today would you vote for Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Jon Huntsman, Newt Gingrich, or Rick Perry?

37% Romney
14% Santorum
19% Paul
16% Huntsman
9% Gingrich
1% Perry
1% Some other candidate
4% Not sure

2* Now I’m going to read you a short list of people in the news. For each, please let me know if you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable impression.

Candidate Very Favorable Somewhat Favorable Somewhat Unfavorable Very Unfavorable Not Sure
Mitt Romney 32% 34% 22% 11% 2%
Newt Gingrich 11% 26% 28% 32% 2%
Rick Perry 5% 24% 29% 39% 4%
Ron Paul 17% 28% 29% 23% 2%
Jon Huntsman 13% 41% 24% 16% 6%
Rick Santorum 20% 37% 17% 21% 5%

Poll of 1,482 Statewide Voters

1* In thinking about the 2012 Presidential Election suppose you had a choice between a Republican candidate and Democrat Barack Obama.  If the election were held today would you vote for the Republican candidate or Democrat Barack Obama?

50% Republican candidate
41% Barack Obama
3% Some other candidate
6% Not sure

2* Generally speaking, do you feel things in this country are going in the right direction or have they gotten off on the wrong track?

22% Right direction
70% Wrong track
8% Not sure

3* Generally speaking, do you feel things in New Hampshire are going in the right direction or have they gotten off on the wrong track?

40% Right direction
49% Wrong track
11% Not sure

4* How would you rate the job Barack Obama has been doing as President… do you strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove, or strongly disapprove of the job he’s been doing?

27% Strongly approve
19% Somewhat approve
9% Somewhat disapprove
42% Strongly disapprove
2% Not sure

NOTE:  Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence

Franklin Center for Government & Public Integrity promotes social welfare and civil betterment by undertaking programs that promote journalism and the education of the public about corruption, incompetence, fraud, or taxpayer abuse by elected officials at all levels of government. Founded in January of 2009, The Franklin Center is a nonpartisan organization that believes that new technology can advance the cause of transparency in government. The Franklin Center aims to educate, to advise and to train individuals and organizations from all backgrounds to become thorough, unbiased and responsible reporters well versed in new media techniques and journalistic integrity. For more information on the Franklin Center please visitwww.FranklinCenterHQ.org.

If you would like support the Franklin Center, your tax-deductible contribution can be made online by clicking here or send to our offices at 127 S. Peyton St. Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314. Learn more about the Franklin Center here.



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Watchdog.org is a collection of independent journalists covering state-specific and local government activity. The program began in September 2009, the brainchild of the Franklin Center for Government & Public Integrity, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to promoting new media journalism. The project provides established investigative journalists with a platform to publish their work. It also affords reporters across the country an opportunity to share information, investigative techniques and resources. By enhancing communication between reporters, the consortium hopes to promote a vibrant 4th Estate, a well-informed electorate and a more transparent government. Watchdog.org utilizes a state-specific approach, in order to provide readers with information that is of proximate and practical interest. Interested parties can contact info@watchdog.org for more information. The Franklin Center is not responsible for the information that appears on the watchdog sites. The organization serves as a capacity builder and networking agent for independent, state-based journalists and organizations. Journalists or organizations interested in joining the watchdog network can contact us at info@franklincenterhq.org