Professional Athletes Need to Be Better Role Models

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It was so refreshing to read your article on Atlanta Falcons Quarterback Michael Vick. I too am appalled to the behavior of the so called rolemodels of today. I have a son who is 16 and faced the same disappointment as your son when he found out Sammy Sosa was using steroids.

While I know that we are only human and we make mistakes when you take a person and promote them as bigger than life and the best thing since sliced bread you also have a responsibility for the effect they have on the future generations.

Maybe if there were some accountability and repercussions at ALL levels the negative behavior of many of the icons of today would be curtailed.

Thanks for expressing your opinion. I would like to think that many people feel the same way and if they also expressed their disgust the NFL, MLB, NBA, HOLLYWOOD, ect… would be forced to make sure there are consequences for negative actions.

”’Linda Frair can be reached at”’

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