Public Hearing on Leeward Oahu School Impact Fees

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Graphic by Emily Metcalf

Developers of new residential units in the proposed Leeward Oahu School Impact District will be required to donate land and/or pay fees for public schools under State law.  A public hearing to discuss the new school impact fees will be held at Waipahu High School library on Wednesday, December 28, 2011, at 3:00 p.m.


The Hawaii State Department of Education (DOE) is authorized by State law (Chapter 302A-1601 to1612), Hawaii Revised Statutes, to collect impact fees from all new residential development in designated areas. The law requires the designation of impact districts across the state and sets a formula for calculating the amount of land and fees applied to each new single-family and multi-family unit built, including houses built by individual landowners on individual vacant lots. Land and fees collected will be used for new schools and facilities to accommodate students residing in the new residential units.

The large number of proposed new housing units planned for Leeward Oahu School District over the next 20 to 25 years indicates the need for additional DOE schools.  Existing schools within the proposed impact district may be able to accommodate some additional students, but most of the proposed growth areas either lack existing schools nearby or their area schools are approaching capacity.

A public hearing will be held to discuss the Leeward Oahu Impact Fee District, which covers areas served by the Aiea Complex (Aiea, Pearl Ridge, Scott, Waimalu, Webling, Aiea Inter, Aiea High), Campbell Complex (Ewa, Ewa Beach, Holomua, Iroquois Point, Kaimiloa, Keoneula, Pohakea, Ewa Makai Middle, Ilima Inter, Campbell High),  Kapolei Complex (Barbers Point, Kapolei, Makakilo, Mauka Lani, Kapolei Middle, Kapolei High), Pearl City Complex (Kanoelani, Lehua, Manana, Momilani, Palisades, Pearl City, Pearl City Highlands, Waiau, Highlands Inter, Pearl City High), and Waipahu Complex (August Ahrens, Honowai, Kaleiopuu, Waikele, Waipahu, Waipahu Inter, Waipahu High). 

At the hearing, plans for the impact fees will be reviewed.  The Hawaii State Board of Education will consider public comments when taking action on the proposed district in 2012.  Public comments can be submitted at the meeting or emailed to  A map and information regarding the proposed Leeward Oahu School Impact District is available at  Copies are also available at the DOE Leeward Oahu District Office at 601 Kamokila Blvd., #418, Kapolei, HI; or the DOE Central Oahu District Office at the Leilehua Building, Suite 50, Mililani Technology Park, 300 Kahelu Avenue, Mililani, HI or by calling the DOE Facilities Development Branch at 808-377-8301 ext. 227.  


