Putting Keiki and Ohana First: Why We Need A Parental Rights Amendment

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BY DANNY DE GRACIA, II – On Monday next week, the Hawaii State Legislature’s Human Services Committee will be hearing a resolution on a matter which I believe to be of the utmost importance to our sovereignty and freedom here in Hawaii: parental rights.

In recent years, a number of America’s local and national laws have been conformed to the cookie cutter of globalist policies in everything ranging from food to gun control to the environment and even the raising of taxes.

Where Congress or State Legislatures have held the line and resisted implementing United Nations mandates, the Executive Branch under various presidencies has often side-stepped these checks and balances by making use of administrative regulations that are enforced as “law” without any constitutional backing. Americans saw this pattern repeated by Barack Obama after the failure of the UN Climate Change summit in 2009 and again this year when the President took unilateral action in using Security Council Resolution S/RES/1973 (2011) to go to war with Libya without first obtaining the approval of Congress. More and more, our Federal government is taking great license in subjecting the United States to the will of foreigners.

I believe that we need a parental rights amendment to the Constitution to ensure that our keiki are always put first by those who know them best – their own ohana. My concern is that the government has grown so powerful that it effectively views children as state property and believes it has a responsibility to shape and even override parental prerogative in the best interests of the “ideal citizen.”

In September 2007, Mark Halle, Director of Trade and Investment from the International Institute for Sustainable Development wrote in “The UNEP That We Want: Reflections  on UNEP’s future challenges” that “The environment should compete with religion as the only compelling, value-based narrative available to humanity … Indeed, unless UNEP [the United Nations Environment Programme] succeeds in recasting the debate, it is highly likely that the economic community will do it – badly, and on its own terms.”

Statements like these reflect the idea that the United Nations is looking to go beyond being a forum for discussion and it wants to be the temple of discussion. I am extremely concerned, in light of that white paper and precedents such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child that in the not-too-distant future parents will have almost no say or protective power over their children when up against the government.

Please take this time to consider submitting testimony in strong support of HCR 179 and HR 155 which will be heard on Monday, March 28th at 9:00 am in Conference Room 329. I would also strongly recommend telling legislators your support for parental rights by sending e-mails to Reps@capitol.hawaii.gov and Sens@capitol.hawaii.gov.

Here in Hawaii, we pride ourselves on being a cooperative part of a world that is becoming smaller everyday by the advances of technology and changes of the times, but at the same time we also believe that each and every single one of us knows best when it comes to our private lives and the raising of our keiki. We need a parental rights amendment and our legislators need the courage to say “NO!” to global government.




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