Quantum Institute for Holistic Health Opens New School

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The Quantum Institute for Holistic Health will open the School of Holistic Health, Sunday, December 8, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Manoa Public Library, 2716 Woodlawn Drive in Manoa.

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At the Open House, you will have the chance to:

    • Learn about our programs
    • See our catalog of courses
    • Meet our experienced faculty and staff
    • Learn about tuition, fees, and other costs
    • Receive tuition Discounts
    • Review payment options
    • Learn about the application process
    • Win Door Prizes!
    • Sample organic and nutritious refreshments

The school will allow its students to become a Quantum Healer and Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner in 12 months through advanced curriculum with hands-on training. There are flexible schedules for working adults.

To register for classes call: (808) 626-5087





  1. What exactly does the word "quantum" mean in the school's name, "Quantum Institute for Holistic Health"? This word has a precise mening in the realm of physics. But it has been usurped by a number of commercial entities and fringe-idea groups, apparently hoping that the scientific cache' of the word rubs off on their ridiculous ideas about health care and psychology and other fields.__Even "holistic health" is a pretty empty phrase. Most holistic practishioners lament how doctors don't take a whole-body approach to health care, instead concentrating on whatever the patient's current meidcal problem is. The prblem is that the Holostic alternative is to come up with a huge array of approaches touching on everything possible about the human body, prescribing all sorts of odd products with no real basis in science. There IS no holistic science. It's all just mumo-jumbo, woo-woo nuttiness._

  2. I have to chime in and add my praise for Quantum. I am so happy to have this great new place to get fresh olives, delicious paninis, and a perfect cup of coffee. Love it!

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