Rep. Awana to hold Nanakuli Community Meeting on Low-Incoming Rental Housing Project

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Rep. Karen Awana
Rep. Karen Awana

State Representative Karen Awana will hold a community meeting on Wednesday, October 10, 2012, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. to address concerns regarding Hale Makana O Nanakuli, a low-income rental housing project located in the Nanakuli Homestead.

The meeting will be Nanakuli High and Intermediate School Multi-purpose Building.

 Hale Makana O Nanakuli was originally designed to provide transitional and long-term rental housing for families who earn 40% or below of the adjusted median income.  The project has become a controversial issue revolving around plans to allow non-Hawaiians to live and rent on Hawaiian homestead lands. The developers and representatives from the Department of Hawaiian Homelands will be present.

“The Nanakuli community has questions and concerns about Hale Makana O Nanakuli, and it is my sincere hope that members attend this important meeting in order to express those concerns directly to the project managers,” said Rep. Awana.   “I am extremely thankful that the Department of Hawaiian Homelands and developers will be in attendance.”





    • This meeting was a joke. Karen allowed Mr. Watson to dominate the meeting. The Community members had very little time to voice their opinions. What kind of State Rep calls a Community meeting and allows the controversial party to utilize 3/4 of the alloted time? It might as well have been the Nanakuli Hawaiian Homelands Community Association meeting. Even though you have to pay a fee to be a member, at least you know you really have no say. You might have 3-5 minutes to speak, provided Mr. Kimo Kelii doesnt grab the mic from you to interrupt.

      The ONLY good things that may matter was DHHL Director Jobie Masagatani seein the obvious opposition the Community feels toward the project and their so called “leaders”. These leaders who are supposedly helping Hawaiians yet are so strategically placed its a lose all around situation. These leaders have multi posutions on the Nanakuli Hawaiian Homelands.Community Association, the Nanakuli Maili Neighborhood Board, SCHHA and a Commissioner of DHHL! If that’s not bad enough, you have Ms. Michelle Kauhane who is the Deputy Director of DHHL who sits on the Hawaii Community Development Board as a Director with Mr. Watson.

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