Rep. Saiki’s Words Could Hurt Akaka Bill

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Rep. Scott Saiki’s speech on the floor of the House of Representatives yesterday could endanger the Akaka Bill’s chances of becoming law.

Rep. Saiki falsely claimed that the Akaka Bill, which would extend federal recognition to Native Hawaiians, “is stalled in the White House.”

He went on to say that President Bush should sign the bill. Rep. Saiki failed to mention that the bill is still winding its way through Congress and is not yet ready for signature.

“Gov. Lingle has expended tremendous effort, in a bipartisan fashion, to see the bill become law. I strongly urge that Rep. Saiki and the Democrats avoid any partisanship that could harm passage of this important bill.”

House Republicans believe that efforts of Native Hawaiians would be seriously harmed if political posturing were to doom the Akaka Bill.

”’David Pendleton is the Republican Representative for the district of Kailua on Oahu.”’

