Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: Terminations at Schofield Barracks Highlight Need for Immediate Congressional Action

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Rep. Tulsi Gabbard received a command briefing and discussed sequestration impacts at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam with Rear Admiral Fernandez L. “Frank” Ponds, Commander (center right), Navy Region Hawaii; CAPT Jeff James (center left), JBPHH Commander; William Grandath (second from left), Executive Director, Navy Region Hawaii; CAPT Jeff Thomas (far left), Assistant Regional Engineer, NAVFAC; and CAPT Brent Smith, Chief of Staff, COMNAVSURGRU MIDPAC (far right).

By Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02) – BAE Systems, Inc., which employees 70 people at Schofield Barracks on Oahu, are being terminated today.  An additional fifty-five employees will continue to be furloughed. Those affected by the terminations and furloughs include machinists, mechanics, welders, and painters.

We are already experiencing devastating impacts.  Congress must act now to prevent further job losses from these arbitrary cuts. Sadly, the across-the-board cuts imposed by sequestration are already playing out at Schofield Barracks today. My heart goes out to the 70 employees who lost their jobs today as a result, and the thousands of real people and families who will continue to be impacted in Hawai‘i.

I will continue to push my colleagues in the House to pass an alternative to sequestration through targeted cuts in spending and eliminating tax loopholes for special interests. Hawai‘i is one of the top 10 states that would take the biggest hit from these cuts.  The impact on our local military-related companies and small businesses will also be significant. The Defense Department employs more than 21,000 civilians in Hawai‘i, a vast majority of which could face unpaid furlough days in an already tough economy.


