Republicans Need to Show Real Leadership in Congress

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BY CONGRESSWOMAN COLLEEN HANABUSA – I support President Obama’s call today for Congressional Republicans to step up, do their jobs, and show real leadership in addressing our nation’s economic concerns.

Hawaii’s families continue to feel the sting of our nation’s economic downturn and Congress needs to take action to ease the burden on our working families, from job creation and the payroll tax reduction to addressing our debt ceiling and preserving America’s credit worthiness in the global economy.

It is long past time for Republican leaders to end their single minded protection of tax breaks for the super-wealthy and oil companies, and acknowledge that America is a place that values decisive, effective action over political posturing.

Colleen Hanabusa, a Democrat elected in 2010, respresents Hawaii’s first district in Congress.




  1. Colleen, why are you scolding the Republicans? You and your Democrat cohorts had two whole years to do what ever you wanted to “fix” the problem. Oh, and why haven’t you come up with a budget in two years?

    Where’s your ‘leadership’?

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