The Art of Forgiveness


Everyone is invited to Honolulu’s family favorite summer festival — to enjoy a time of peace, contemplation and deep feelings, as we seek to understand the mysteries of forgiveness.Queen_Seal.1

The program this year features two tireless workers in the vineyards of forgiveness — Hawaiian leader Ramsay Taum, and Stanford professor and author, Fred Luskin.

They will guide us through transformations of forgiveness to gratitude, sharing stories, examples, techniques, and meditations.

While they navigate, master craftsman and performer Solomon Enos will simultaneously respond to shared feelings and descriptions through a large drawing.

Afterwards, participants will be invited to come up to the art tableau, and help to color it complete—a community artwork on the Gratitude. The whole process will be filmed by ‘Olelo Community Media, and a time-lapse video of the group creativity will result.

Master storyteller, Jeff Gere, will then re-interpret the experience through his own extraordinary voice and form, taking us into the mystery and history of gratitude.

Won’t you join us on this journey on August 7?
Get your free tickets here: Hawai’i International Forgiveness Day

gratitudeposter2016emailHawai’i Forgiveness Project
Celebrating forgiveness in all its religious, artistic, personal, judicial, educational, social and political forms.
A free monthly meeting is held on the second Friday of each month, subject to changes in notice.
An annual festival is held on the first Sunday in August each year.

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