The Power of YOU


  by Carleen MacKay :: Rob Kinslow

Some form of work is a key ingredient to a life well-spent. But, what work, where, when, how and by whom? you are here

These are the questions facing our diverse population of old, young, rich, poor, the disabled, the ethnically diverse men, women, children of each gender and every age, the neglected, the homeless, the incarcerated, our veterans and everyone standing in-between the past and the future.

There are many causes that need our expertise and there are many people who need our dedicated interest and support.

For example, according to Forbes magazine in the summer of 2016, approximately “18 million undergrad students heading off for the next school year will pay an estimated total $18,943 on public college tuition and fees ($42,419 for private schools).” Can we help them to set the right course in order to protect their investment in their futures? We can and do.

Worthy causes are explored in our weekly posts. All offer a common link to our core business – the business of helping others to learn to work effectively in the 21st century.PowerofYOU

Today’s Post is about Releasing the Power of a Prepared YOU.

Are you ready to do what it takes, even if you must change what you have done in the past, in order to reach your future?

The question is NOT whether the world is changing. It is!

youth-570881_1920The question is: ARE YOU READY?

You are Powerful. Now Let’s Make Certain You Are Ready!

What’s so different about work today? Over 50% of jobs that existed at the turn of the 21st century, no longer exist and the erosion has just begun. As a result of  high-speed change, there are a few unchallenged truths to know about before preparing for – or continuing to – work today:

#1 – Alternative Career Opportunities Often Outpace Job Options. There has been a dramatic rise in the “contingent” workforce as permanency, is rapidly becoming a word from the past. This “as-and-when-needed-workforce” is expected to comprise 50% of the private sector as early as 2020-25 and 50% of the public sector a few years later. Exploring dozens of options and helping you to identify and reach your best option is our shared task. Ask us.

#2 -Increased College Graduate Hiring is Happening. But… do you know which career fields to pursue that offer the best results for your investment? Not all careers are created equal in terms of meeting market demand. Want help? Ask us.

#3 – Online Learning is Gaining Traction F-A-S-T. Plus “Rapid Learning” institutions are here and you are expected to keep pace if you choose to remain competitive. Need help? Ask us about rapid learning experiences.

#4 – New Marketing Tools. Multiple marketing tools are required for multiple career choices. The day of depending upon a chronological resume and a cover letter has passed. Need help with choosing and producing the right tools? Ask us.VennWhoAreYou

#5 – Mid-Career Changes Matter to Many. Who said that you were stuck with your early career choices for a working lifetime? No one we know. As online learning is gaining traction; as traditional, seasonal semesters gently erode in favor of non-traditional, fast learning experiences, more and more options are becoming available for those who seek “change” in their middle years. Life is an ever-longer journey, time is your ally and we’re here to help. Ask us.

#6 – Late-Career Contributions. Financial need, social interaction, a sincere desire to create your impact in this fragile world; all of these reasons and more suggest that some form of work will be to your benefit as well as to the benefit of those whose lives you impact. There has never been a greater need than today; there have never been greater options for those of us who have left the first half centuries of our lives in the (sometimes distant) past but are still looking to contribute purposefully and meaningfully. Ask us, our website

Look us up on LinkedIn:  Carleen MacKay ::  Rob Kinslow

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