Sakamoto Poor Choice for Hawaii Department of Health Deputy Director

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Governor Abercrombie
Gov. Neil Abercrombie

BY LISA DUNN – In response to Gov. Neil Abercrombie’s appointment of former State Health Planning and Development Agency administrator as Department of Health deputy director – what a shame Governor.

Now we know how you feel about Maui ever having quality health care.

Maui desperately needs a State of the Art Medical Center. Sakamoto ruled against it in 2006 by blocking one from being built. The funds would not have come out of the state….still it was blocked.

Even though Maui only has one hospital which does not compare to Oahu’s Hospitals still Sakamoto blocked it.

Well Maui, remember this. Election time is right around the corner. Vote for progressive minded candidates that care about you and your loved ones.

Care that we get the best. And wonder, why are they blocking it? What are they afraid of?

It all comes down to money in someones pocket/pockets. How sad for Maui.

I look forward to hearing from our representatives that are still fighting for our new hospital.

Lisa Dunn is a resident of Kihei, Maui

