Save O’ahu Farmlands Alliance Endorses Candidates Who Support Preserving Farmland

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Environmentalists oppose the destruction of prime Oahu farm land in the way of the Honolulu rail construction

This list is to let voters know of candidates who strongly support saving farmland and who will work to promote local farms.  There may be more than one in each race.  Please vote for pro-farm candidates.


Mayor of Honolulu               Ben Cayetano


Honolulu City Council

            District 1                     Tom Berg

            District 5                     Ann Kobayashi


OHA at large                         Walter Ritte

OHA  Maui seat                    Keeaumoku Kapu


State Senate                          

            District 9                     Sam Slom

            District 10                   Les Ihara Jr.

            District 12                   Liz Larson

            District 20                   Dean Kalani Capelouto

            District 21                   Maile S.L. Shimabukuro

            District 22                   Charles “Bo” Aki

            District 23                   Clayton Hee

            District 25                   Laura Theilen and Fred Hemmings


State House of Representatives

            District 20                   Keiko Bonk

            District 22                   Tom Brower

            District 24                   Della Au Belatti

            District 26                   Scott Saiki

            District 27                   Corinne Wei Lan Ching

            District 31                   Aaron Johanson and Lei Sharsh

            District 33                   Mark Takai

            District 41                   Rida Cabanilla

            District 42                   Marissa Capelouto

            District 43                   Karen Awana

            District 44                   Jo Jordan

            District 45                   Lauren Cheape and Jake Bradshaw

            District 47                   Ululani Bierne

            District 51                   Chris Lee



Submitted by Dr. Kioni Dudley. Reach him at

