Senate, House Minority Join Forces

LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE: Rep. Gene Ward, Senate Minority Leader Sam Slom and House Minority Leader Aaron Ling Johansan push for initiative and referendum in Hawaii.
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LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE: Rep. Gene Ward, Senate Minority Leader Sam Slom and House Minority Leader Aaron Ling Johansan push for initiative and referendum in Hawaii.

BY MICHELE VAN HESSEN – The Senate and House Minority believe it is time the people’s political representatives work for the people, the ordinary everyday person. Senator Slom and Representative Aaron Ling Johanson and his fellow House Republicans have hit the ground running, setting a record for early action in a spirit of cooperation, introducing companion legislation that includes financial relief for every taxpayer in Hawaii.

It is time for Hawaii to give back to the people instead of taking unnecessarily. The Minority want to increase the personal exemption to be the same as the federal exemption, thereby putting an approximate average of $465 per year in each family’s pocket for each tax return filed. This will provide direct relief to everyone who files their Hawaii tax return.

Several other bills and issues with full Minority support will be introduced. These include bills for the protection of children and elderly persons, bills supporting veterans, tax exemptions, and more.





  1. State public housing officials want to crack down on people who abuse the Section 8 program and the minority republican party shoul also endorse this rip off residents who are honest have to pay for.
    Currently, there’s nothing in the state law that prevents people from passing a Section 8 voucher down to their son or daughter, and that’s why it takes a long time to get off the waiting list.
    At the urging of the Hawaii Public Housing Authority, the House and Senate introduced matching bills, which aim to change the state law, so that once the last original household member moves away, passes away, or no longer needs the Section 8 voucher, it’ll have to be returned to the state.
    Mor at

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